摘   要










液压综合实验台包括电控、液控等,它的设计与制造将极大的缓解现有实验室实验设备短缺和落后的现状,同时电液控综合实验台在整个液压教学实验中将发挥很大的作用,是液压教学实验中不可缺少的重要组成部分。本论文重点叙述了液压综合实验台的系统组成和元件设置。从各方面分析与其它实验台的不同点,突出它的综合性,其最大的优点就是可以在一个实验平台上做多种实验,所做实验各元件和管路可由实验操作者自行设计、连接。设计主要围绕实验台的实验原理     以及整体结构而展开,然后辅以电气控制硬件部分的设计。


关键词  实验台 ;液压 ;电控 ;PLC



We all know, “practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.” Scientific experiment in human self-awareness and exploration
the law plays a crucial role in the process, can be said that no experiment would be no modern science. Hydraulic transmission
Mechanical Engineering Technology is moving a basic course. Hydraulic practice shows that the program only through theoretical
experimental combination of teaching to achieve good teaching. In order to meet the teaching of modern hydraulic
Requirements, this paper, a PLC-based control of multi-function hydraulic test stand. According to the hydraulic test stand
Purposes, the overall design of the hydraulic system program and the success of hydraulic simulation software for the test bed, the most
After the test-bed design control procedures. The multi-function Hydraulic Experiment station in the hydraulic has a wide range of teaching
This thesis on traditional and modern hydraulic Comprehensive Experimental Research to do a comprehensive overview of the development of hydraulic test stand to do a detailed analysis of trends, and the teaching of commonly used hydraulic components and hydraulic components and the basic hydraulic circuit principle of a detailed theoretical analysis, summarized, multi-function hydraulic test stand hydraulic circuit design has laid a reliable theoretical foundation for the application of simulation software provided. Optimization of each module will be designed multi-function hydraulic test stand hydraulic circuit diagram, and the function carried out a detailed description.
Comprehensive test-bed including electric hydraulic control, hydraulic control, etc., and its design and manufacturing will greatly ease the current shortage of laboratory equipment, and the backward status, while integrated electro-hydraulic control of the entire bench will play a very Hydraulic Experiment larger role in the hydraulic experiment teaching an important and indispensable component. Focus of this paper describes the comprehensive test-bed system of hydraulic components and component settings. All aspects of analysis and other experimental platform differences, highlight its comprehensive, its biggest advantage is that you can do in a variety of experimental platform, experimental, experiments done by the various experimental components and pipeline operators to design, Primarily designed around the principle and the experimental test bed to start the whole structure, and then supplemented by the electrical control hardware design.

Key words: test bed;hydraulic; electronic control; PLC



摘   要










液压综合实验台包括电控、液控等,它的设计与制造将极大的缓解现有实验室实验设备短缺和落后的现状,同时电液控综合实验台在整个液压教学实验中将发挥很大的作用,是液压教学实验中不可缺少的重要组成部分。本论文重点叙述了液压综合实验台的系统组成和元件设置。从各方面分析与其它实验台的不同点,突出它的综合性,其最大的优点就是可以在一个实验平台上做多种实验,所做实验各元件和管路可由实验操作者自行设计、连接。设计主要围绕实验台的实验原理     以及整体结构而展开,然后辅以电气控制硬件部分的设计。


关键词  实验台 ;液压 ;电控 ;PLC



We all know, “practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.” Scientific experiment in human self-awareness and exploration
the law plays a crucial role in the process, can be said that no experiment would be no modern science. Hydraulic transmission
Mechanical Engineering Technology is moving a basic course. Hydraulic practice shows that the program only through theoretical
experimental combination of teaching to achieve good teaching. In order to meet the teaching of modern hydraulic
Requirements, this paper, a PLC-based control of multi-function hydraulic test stand. According to the hydraulic test stand
Purposes, the overall design of the hydraulic system program and the success of hydraulic simulation software for the test bed, the most
After the test-bed design control procedures. The multi-function Hydraulic Experiment station in the hydraulic has a wide range of teaching
This thesis on traditional and modern hydraulic Comprehensive Experimental Research to do a comprehensive overview of the development of hydraulic test stand to do a detailed analysis of trends, and the teaching of commonly used hydraulic components and hydraulic components and the basic hydraulic circuit principle of a detailed theoretical analysis, summarized, multi-function hydraulic test stand hydraulic circuit design has laid a reliable theoretical foundation for the application of simulation software provided. Optimization of each module will be designed multi-function hydraulic test stand hydraulic circuit diagram, and the function carried out a detailed description.
Comprehensive test-bed including electric hydraulic control, hydraulic control, etc., and its design and manufacturing will greatly ease the current shortage of laboratory equipment, and the backward status, while integrated electro-hydraulic control of the entire bench will play a very Hydraulic Experiment larger role in the hydraulic experiment teaching an important and indispensable component. Focus of this paper describes the comprehensive test-bed system of hydraulic components and component settings. All aspects of analysis and other experimental platform differences, highlight its comprehensive, its biggest advantage is that you can do in a variety of experimental platform, experimental, experiments done by the various experimental components and pipeline operators to design, Primarily designed around the principle and the experimental test bed to start the whole structure, and then supplemented by the electrical control hardware design.

Key words: test bed;hydraulic; electronic control; PLC






目      录



第一章 前言 ...................................................1

1.1课题研究的背景  ........................................1

1.2课题研究的内容  ........................................1

1.3课题研究的目的与意义  ..................................2

1.3.1电液控综合实验台研究的目的与意义  .................2

1.3.2毕业设计的目的与意义  ............................2

第二章  液压系统实验原理  ....................................3

2.1  在实验台上可以完成的实验 ............................3


2.2.1  液压系统中工作压力形成原理实验  ....................3

2.2.2  液压泵性能实验 ........................................8

2.2.3 溢流阀性能实验 ......................................11

2.2.4  节流调速回路性能实验 ................................17

2.2.5 比例压力阀的性能实验..................................22

第三章  元件选择   ............................................27

3.1 液压泵的选择..............................................27

3.1.1 定量泵的选择............................................27


3.2 电动机的选择..............................................28

3.3 液压阀的选择..............................................28







3.4 传感器的选择...............................................34


第四章  实验台台架设计   ......................................35








结论       .......................................................45

致 谢      .......................................................46

参考文献    .....................................................47

附    录


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