
摘  要










In the process of practicing an operation in, usually need to know the diagraph size which spreads to move to pull pressure in the organization, understanding deliver the motive equips for work with the different mechanics form.Usually adopt to press an electricity type to spread a feeling machine to put into the test experiment set, pass to collect, handle to press telecommunication number to come to token to pull the diagraph of pressure.

The this device adoption electric motor is to glide enter of spiral organization to, return to back of motive source.The Gua round Gua pole carries out deceleration to increase to twist and add to turn to begin handle and machine type jack this both on the Gua pole Be press to spread the feeling machine add of dint to carry towards pull.Biggest carry the lotus 50000 Ns.(can overload 75000 Ns)

The same kind product design medium, because of that set of experiment the device be much more applied on the vehicle, our country of car industry from found a nation although development quick, core development of experiment the ability be not strong, so local product less and level are limited.Abroad because of car industry development the history be long, the research real strenght is strong, especially Europe, the United States, Japan waits a western and flourishing and national equipments excellent, experiment talented person many, lead in the technique with domestic.We should draw advanced technique of take the abroad more, equipments, take in to digest to improve an end conversion on this foundation for own of.But morely turn toward the intelligence in measuring a technique, technological, little by little turn, information-based, the living creature intelligence turn of the direction develop.Therefore design in the organization, theories research in have to have innovation consciousness, continuously of develop headway.

KEY WORDS: sensor, measurement, signal, vehicle

目  录

第一章  绪论……………………………………..1第二章  滑动螺旋传动设计…………………………..2

  • 2.1螺旋副传动的设计…………………………..2
  • 2.2滑动螺旋副的结构与材料……………………..2
  • 2.3滑动螺旋副的特点…………………………..3
  • 2.4滑动螺旋副的应用…………………………..3
  • 2.5滑动螺旋传动参数的选择与计算………………..3
  • 2.5.1 耐磨性……………………………….4
  • 2.5.2 自锁条件……………………………..5
  • 2.5.3 螺杆强度……………………………..5
  • 2.5.4 验算螺纹强度………………………….5
  • 2.5.5 螺杆的稳定性………………………….6
  • 2.5.6 横向振动……………………………..6
  • 2.5.7 机械效率……………………………..6
  • 2.5.8 驱动转矩……………………………..6

第三章  蜗轮蜗杆传动设计………………………….7

  • 3.1蜗杆传动的特点…………………………..7
  • 3.2 蜗杆传动的类型……………………………7
  • 3.3 蜗杆传动的主要参数及其选择………………….7
  • 3.4 蜗杆传动的失效形式………………………..10
  • 3.5 蜗杆材料的选则……………………………10
  • 3.6 蜗杆受力分析……………………………..10
  • 3.7 蜗轮齿面接触疲劳强度计算…………………..10
  • 3.8 蜗杆传动的效率……………………………13
  • 3.9 蜗杆轴的强度验算…………………………..13

第四章  轴承的选择与校核………………………….17

  • 4.1蜗杆轴上两轴承校核………………………..17
  • 4.2螺杆上轴承校核……………………………17

第五章  轴承盖的选取……………………………..18

第六章  电动机的选取……………………………..19

  • 6.1电动机类型和结构形式………………………19
  • 6.2 电动机的容量……………………………..19
  • 6.3 电动机的转速……………………………..20
  • 联轴器的选取……………………………. 22
  • 键的选取与校核………………………….. 23
  • 8.1 键连接的类型……………………………. 23
  • 8.2 键的选择……………………………….. 23
  • 8.3 键的校核……………………………….. 23
  • 拉压传感器的工作原理与应用……………….. 25
  • 测量误差分析……………………………. 30
  • 10.1测量误差的合成………………………….. 30
  • 10.2测量误差的分配…………………………..31
  • 技术要求和材料处理………………………. 32
  • 11.1 圆形零件自由表面过渡圆角………………….32
  • 11.2 铸件设计一般规范…………………………32
  • 11.3 钢的常用热处理方法及应用………………….33

第十二章 结论……………………………………34




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