
摘    要












The topic of my paper is vehicle-mounted machine automatically transferred Ping mechanical systems design and development. This paper is divided into four parts: selection of subjects background, programme appraisal, process expositions, conclusions summarized

Selection of subjects background part, I described the main source of design topics, objectives, significance, and should be addressed to the technical requirements and other structures on the system. Also on the topic of development profile at home and abroad, providing guidance for the design ideas.  Because the whole radar antenna will be affected by the weight and wind, in order to make sure the mechanics stability, then the solution is by using tower frame pole to support the main promoting cylinder. The second part is just the analyses on the mechanics capability of the tower frame pole.

Programme appraisal part of the question, I analysed the hydraulic system in accordance with the technical requirements, and to design a set of hydraulic control systems.

Analysis of the process of verification part, I consider the entire radar by itself gravity and wind effects. In order to ensure the stability of mechanics,I use the tower to support the main  hydraulic cylinder. On the part of the mechanics tower pole performance analysed.I integrated into the hydraulic cylinder up-down and hydraulic cylinder need to provide the high momentum in the work environment, thus chosen as a main or 4 hydraulic cylinder. 1.5 tons of hydraulic cylinder up-down radar and 1.5 tons town coupled with the impact of the wind, which the intensity of the fuel hydraulic cylinder or the demands of this segment by calculating the intensity can meet the requirements of main hydraulic cylinder. In the conclusion, I give a thorough summing-up of the process of my project. I feel pleased that I have learned to analyze problem generally, and have reconsidered the methods and process of my project. Tower design part, I use the second part of the contents , designed tower section three dimensions, and the tower sections connected.

In the conclusion, I give a thorough summing-up of the process of my project. I feel pleased that I have learned to analyze problem generally, and have reconsidered the methods and process of my project.

Key word: triple-level hydraulic cylinder ;design ;Radar;automatically leveling system.



1选题背景 1


1.2 国内外高机动雷达发展状况

2 方案论证 4

2.1 主要技术指标 4

2.2 技术可行性 4

2.3 升降天线车的液压系统说明 5

2.4 测试系统的组成及功能 6

2.5 主要技术难点分析 8

2.6 与国内外同类产品技术对比分析 8

2.7 推广应用价值 8

3 过程论述 8

3.1 雷达举升机构的力学分析 8

3.2 缸的设计 12

3.3 缸的连接及材料 16

3.4 塔架的设计 23

3.5 机动式车载雷达稳定性设计分析 24


4 结论总结 31

5 致谢 32

6参考文献 33


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