




关键词:圆柱齿轮减速器   优化设计   惩罚函数法   中心距   常规设计


AbstractReducer is a transmission device which is widely found in mechanical equipment. The main characteristics of it  is large power transmission、manufacture simple、easy maintenance and long life. Traditionally, in order to get satisfied design data of reducer, you must cut and try again and again. Although this design can satisfy conditions given. Proved by the practice, according to the traditional design method to the design, most of them have room for improvement, it is not optimal.

In this article we will two-grade helical cylindrical gear redactor  conduct  optimal design . Taking  account the minimum distance of center into the goal,  penalty function used in this method . In this paper, by the way of selecting design variable , setting up goal function and restriction condition , the mathematical model of cylindrical gear reducer  is established . The preparation of the optimal design  program , run by the computer  and calculating the optimal design parameters .  The structure of the gear reducer is analyzed and made conventional design in theory, and some other accessories for the corresponding design , which proved reasonable for the the checking of Tooth surface  and  tooth  root bending strength after the designation completed . The results show that the optimal design methods ,  strength requirements are met under the premise of  the  size reducer greatly reduced, reducing the timber and the cost ,  improve the design efficiency and quality.


Key words: Helical Cylindrical Gear Redactor  optimal design  penalty function  Center distance  Conventional Design


目   录

1  序言

1.1   选题的依据及意义 1

1.2   研究概况及发展趋势 1

1.3   减速器的主要类型 2

1.4   减速器结构 4

1.5   圆柱齿轮传动的特点 5

1.6  机械零件优化设计概述 5


2   二级圆柱齿轮减速器优化设计数学模型的创建

2.1   优化设计介绍 6

2.1.1   优化设计的意义与发展 6

2.1.2   优化设计方法的选择 8

2.1.3   优化设计中主要术语概述 9   优化方法 9   设计变量 9   约束条件 10   目标函数 11   数学模型 11

2.2   优化设计的步骤 12

2.2.1   建立数学模型 12

2.2.2   选择最优化算法 13

2.2.3   程序设计 14

2.2.4   计算机自动刷选最优设计方案 14

2.3   优化设计与常规设计的比较 14

2.4   原始数据及设计要求 15

2.5   减速器轮传动类型的选择 15

2.6   建立优化设计的数学模型 16


3   采用惩罚函数法进行调优

3.1   惩罚函数法的简介 18

3.1.1   内点惩罚函数法 19

3.1.2   内点法的计算步骤 20

3.1.3   外点惩罚函数法 20

3.1.4   混合惩罚函数法 21

3.2  二级圆柱齿轮减速器优化程序 21


4   二级圆柱齿轮减速器的计算

4.1   传动方案的选择 22

4.2   电动机的选择 23

4.2.1   型号的选择 23

4.2.2   功率的选择 24

4.2.3   转速的选择 24

4.3   电动机型号的最终确定 25

4.4   传动装置运动的计算和动力参数的确定 26

4.4.1   各轴转速的计算 26

4.4.2   各轴输入功率的确定 26

4.4.3   各轴输入转矩T(N•m) 26

4.5  传动件的设计计算 27

4.5.1   带传动的形式和参数确定 27

4.5.2   齿轮类型选择及参数确定 28

4.6   轴的设计计算 36

4.7   轴的校核计算 38

4.8   滚动轴承型号的选择 38

4.9   联接键的选择及其校核 39

4.10  减速器机体结构尺寸计算表及附件的选择 40

4.11  润滑方式的选择 41

4.11.1   传动件的润滑 41

4.11.2   滚动轴承的润滑 42


总    43

参考文献 44


附  录 A 46



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