摘 要










Carrier-based satellite TV antenna is supported with rotating machinery, its function is under the condition of ship sway, longitudinal and lateral swing Angle compensation hull movement, keep the antenna level, and rotate at a constant speed drive antenna, complete scanning Angle mechanism, Angle and output signals. Antenna mounting bracket in the deck to have higher demand to the strength, stiffness, and resistance to shock, vibration, and the resonant frequency to meet the needs of the servo system bandwidth. Set up on the ship satellite TV antenna base to help those who need working on the boats and went to sea to play for a long time people can watch all kinds of TV programs, anywhere, anytime to solve in the ship can’t watch TV for a long time of anguish, let people can have a good mood. And can also through the shipborne satellite TV antenna in a timely manner to understand the weather conditions at sea, avoid some of the evil of the weather.

This topic mainly antenna structure design, mainly is the design of shipborne satellite TV antenna seat pitch rotary motion and antenna azimuth rotation movement, as well as implementation to the design of the whole structure. At the structure of ship-borne satellite TV antenna design, the first is the transmission scheme design and the design of the bearing axis, followed by the motor selection and structure design, etc. In the design process to the bending fatigue strength for the designed parts inspection and check, to ensure the rationality of the design. And to use AutoCAD drawing of the design of the antenna assembly drawing and parts diagram, indicate the size of the relevant, write a detailed bar, convenient others map reading and understand the figure.


KEY WORDS: antenna, support, design, proofread, general assembly drawing







第一章 技术要求及方案的拟定 2

1.1. 技术要求 2

1.2.方案的拟定 2

第二章 原理简述 5

第三章 设计内容 6

3.1.设计题目及参数 6

3.2.传动方案及简图 6

3.3.减速器及电机的选择 7

3.4.传动比的分配 7

3.5.传动参数的计算 8

3.6.齿轮传动的设计 8

3.6.1.方位轴齿轮传动的设计 8

3.6.2.俯仰轴齿轮传动的设计 10

3.7.轴的设计 12

3.7.1.方位轴的设计 12

3.7.2.俯仰轴的设计 12

3.8.联轴器的选择 13

3.9.轴承座的设计 13

9.1.方位轴承座的设计 13

9.2.俯仰轴承座的设计 13

3.10.法兰盘的设计及简图 14

3.11.键的校核 14

3.11.1.套筒与方位轴之间键的校核 14

3.11.2.套筒与法兰盘之间键的校核 15

3.11.3.套筒与大齿轮间键的校核 15

3.11.4.小齿轮上键的校核 15

3.12.支撑架的设计 16

3.12.1.方位件的支撑架设计 16

3.12.2俯仰支撑架的设计 16

3.13.大齿轮的设计 16

3.14.扇形齿轮的齿数确定及外形设计 17

3.15.方位轴承的选择及校核 18

3.16.方位轴的校核 20

第四章 全文总结 22

参考文献 23

毕业设计小结 24

致谢 25


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