摘 要
本设计为中国大学生方程式汽车大赛(Formula SAE – China,简称”FSAE”)赛车前、后悬架总成设计。悬架总成是汽车的一个重要组成部分,它的功用是把路面作用于车轮上的垂直反力、纵向反力和侧向反力以及这些反力所造成的力矩传递到车架上,以保证汽车的正常行驶。
设计中运用运动学原理分析各机构运动关系、确定尺寸参数,运用理论力学、材料力学知识计算悬架各部件的受力,以满足各零部件的强度要求。本次设计运用了CAD2008画平面图,并运用UG NX 7.0建立悬架模型,进行运动分析和高级仿真。
This design for Chinese University students formula car(front and rear suspension design)
This design for Chinese University students formula car contest (Formula SAE-China, referred to as “FSAE.”) racing front and rear suspension design. Suspension Assembly is an important component of the car, its function is to act on the pavement on vertical force, longitudinal force and lateral force as well as the reaction caused by the moment passed to the frame, in order to ensure that the vehicle’s normal driving.This design according to the formula of college car racing rules and concrete parameters design requirements, refer to the data of many racing suspension , analysis of the advantages and disadvantages of various suspension type, and ultimately determine the suitable for motor sport suspension—differ long double wishbone arm typed spiral spring independent suspension. Determine the use of unque length double wishbonecoil springindependent suspension,calculated and verified, to the rule of the game,and the actual needs of the cars’s roll center,select the suspension of the car-oriented institutions,and then according to the positioning of the wheel parameterspreliminary design calcuations on the dimensions of the upper and lower wishbone front and rear suspension and frame size as well as track and wheelbase dimensions,and the subsequent stress analysis under various conditions on the suspension,and determine the final suspension size and locationaramerers.In the design application kinematics analysis of the relationship between the various bodies exercise、determine the size parameters, use of theoretical mechanics, material mechanics calculation of the various components of suspension force to meet the strength requirements of all parts This design employs CAD2008 draw the floor plan, and to use UG NX 7.0 establish suspension models, kinematic analysis and advanced simulation.
KEY WORD:Suspension, shock absorbers, guide mechanism, positional parameter, modeling, motion analysis
目 录
- 2.1 确定悬架类型
- 2.2 赛车悬架设计要求分析
- 2.3 确定车轮定位参数
- 2.4 确定悬架参数
- 2.4.1 悬架静挠度
- 2.4.2 悬架动挠度
- 2.4.3 导向机构的设计
- 2.4.4 悬架尺寸设计
- 2.5 受力分析及强度校核
- 2.5.1 路面不平路况
- 2.5.2 加速制动的车况
- 2.5.3 转弯的车况