

关键词:承载装置    自定心装置   六杆机构


This thesis is a piece of explanation of design that about the bearing and self-centering device of the specialized and two-headed boring machine to process the big diameter roller.

Firstly, these papers briefly summarize the background and development present situation of the topic. It also analyze the structure and processing manufacturability of cylinder and doffer rollers which was processed by specialized and two-headed boring machine.

Secondly, according to the performance requirement of the bearing and self-centering device to make the project block in, then on the basis of the project analysis make out a relatively reasonable project. The cylinder and doffer rollers are located by the V-shaped surface and the drive mode is reducer motors gear transmission. Self-centering device adopt the removable tank body with double rectangular guide rail to realize three axis remove in the meantime. It also adopts hydraulic cylinder driving mechanism drive linkage mechanism to realize the three axes rotate meanwhile. At the same time, makes a calculation and choice to the motor and hydraulic cylinder used in the project.

Finally, checks the strength of drive shaft and bearing life of bearing device, summarizes this designing project’s advantage and innovations, analyzes the problems in the project and put up with improving direction.

Key words: bearing device  self-centering device  six-connecting rod mechanism



1  课题介绍

1.1  课题名称

1.2  课题概述

1.3  课题背景及发展现状

2  零件的结构和加工工艺分析

2.1  辊筒的加工工艺要求

2.2  辊筒的加工工艺流程

2.3  零件的工艺分析

3  方案拟定

3.1  承载装置及自定心装置的设计要求

3.1.1  承载装置的设计要求

3.1.2  自定心装置的设计要求

3.2  课题可行性分析

3.3  方案的设计与对比分析

3.3.1  承载装置方案设计

3.3.2  承载装置方案的对比分析

3.3.3  自定心装置方案设计

3.3.4  自定心装置方案的对比分析

3.4  方案的选择确定

4  理论计算及关键零部件的校核

4.1  理论计算

4.1.1  电动机的选择

4.1.2  液压缸的选择

4.1.3  连杆机构的计算

4.1.4  自定心装置中扭杆弹簧的计算

4.2  关键零部件的校核

4.2.1  承载装置驱动轴的校核

4.2.2  键联接的选择与校核

4.2.3  轴承的校核






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