



经过本人的综合考虑,大学生电子书包系统的设计是基于java编程语言+jsp技术+sqlserver数据库+tomcat服务器的方式设计,以myeclipse和dreamweaver为开发工具,在myeclipse集成环境下调试并允许,并运用Photoshop CS6技术美化网页,辅之以CSS技术。系统是基于面向对象编程的web应用程序。本系统是根据学生的论坛交流等需求设计并实现。本系统主要实现的功能有系统用户管理、专业信息管理、课程信息管理、课程安排管理、学生成绩管理、题库信息管理、教材中心管理、公共课资讯管理、课程公告管理、讨论区管理、系统管理。

【关键词】  高校公共课在线学习,java编程技术,sqlserver数据库


Design and implementation of a common course in colleges and universities online learning platform

——Based on JAVA + sqlserver + tomcat

【Abstract】As scholars through a common technical exchange platform quickly find resources, the resources to get rate, convenient others choose, and can also help other users to solve technical problems encountered in the work, don’t need to go to consult books, browse the post bar, BBS and consume time, allow the user to find the fastest time want technical resources. A common course in colleges and universities online learning platform can let students learn more about the two sides, can better help students to grow, at the same time, teachers can more clear the students’ real needs; Can have a better communication between students, did not understand the knowledge in the classroom or in different views of knowledge points have to be able to through a common course in colleges and universities online learning platform to communicate with classmates.

After my comprehensive consideration, the design of a common course in colleges and universities online learning platform is based on the Java programming language + JSP technology + + tomcat server design, essentially a database with myeclipse and dreamweaver as development tool, the debugging and allow myeclipse integration environment, beautify the page and use Photoshop CS6 technology, supplemented by the CSS technology. System is based on the object-oriented programming web applications. This system is based on the students’ demand such as BBS communication was designed and implemented. This system mainly realize the function of the system user management, information management, curriculum information management, curriculum management, student achievement information management, question bank management, common course resource center management, announcement of information management, course management, forum management, systems management.

【Key Words】A common course in colleges and universities online learning, Java programming technology, essentially a database



第一章 绪论 5

1.1 研究目的 5

1.2 研究现状 5

1.3 论文结构 6

第二章系统分析 7

2.1 需求分析 7

2.1.1性能需求 7

2.1.2功能需求 7

2.2可行性分析 8

2.3流程分析 9

2.3.1数据流程图 9

2.3.2程序流程图 12

第三章 开发技术介绍 17

3.1 UML语言 17

3.2 jsp技术介绍 17

3.3 sqlserver数据库介绍 17

3.4 html 18

3.5 javascript 18

第四章 系统设计 19

4.1开发环境 19

4.2功能设计 19

4.3 数据库模型 20

4.4 数据库表设计 22

第五章 系统实现 28

5.1 java与sqlserver数据库连接 28

5.2系统前台功能实现 29

5.2.1首页实现 29

5.2.2登录模块 30

5.2.3用户注册模块 31

5.2.4帖子回复和发布模块 32

5.2.5文件下载模块的实现 34

5.3系统后台功能实现 34

5.3.1系统用户管理模块 34

5.3.2版块帖子管理模块 35

5.3.3教材文件发布模块 37

第六章 系统测试 39

6.1测试目的 39

6.2测试用例 39

6.2.1登录测试 39

6.2.2注册测试 40

6.2.3系统公告测试 40

6.2.4帖子管理测试 40

结论 42

参考文献 43

致谢 44


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