摘 要
关键词:往复式给煤机; 减速器; 曲柄连杆机构; 给煤槽。
Reciprocating feeder in China’s coal mines, coal preparation plant and other industry application has been for several decades. Practice has proved that the reliability of equipment to the coal, a direct impact on the whole production system the normal operation. Reciprocating the existing feeder with small production capacity , installation and removal of inconvenient, Shouli Bu uniform, and other shortcomings Therefore, the improvement and expansion of existing K-Reciprocating coal feeder is completely necessary.
The statement focuses on the study: Reciprocating to the development of coal, the use, composition, working principle and its characteristics, the use of the existing problems and improvement measures, installation and maintenance, and other content. Electric motor power to design reducer. And then design a crank linkage to the coal shafts, drag roller components, and other major components operation
The design specification is: first through the design calculations for coal is the main moving parts to the coal shafts running speed and suffered the motor running resistance to achieve power. To the final design of coal chassis, transmission platforms, such as auxiliary components. Coal-to finalize the overall assembly. Reciprocating in this coal to the design process, focusing on reducer, transmission platform, crank linkage, Idler for the analysis and design. Important components of the stress analysis, strength check, in accordance with its common failure mode, Factors and basic design requirements, is an important component of the stress analysis, strength and stiffness of the design method.
Keywords : Reciprocating to the coal; Reducer; Crank linkage;Suppling coal shaft.
目 录
1. 往复式给煤机概述 1
1.1 往复式给煤机的用途 1
1.2 K型往复式给煤机的组成 1
1.3 K型往复式给煤机工作原理简述 1
1.4 K4型给煤机的主要特点 1
1.5 往复式给煤机与振动式板式给煤机的比较 2
1.6 K-4型往复式给煤机的技术参数 2
3. 给煤机的减速器设计方案 9
3.1 电机选型 9
3.2 减速器设计 10
3.2.1. 减速器选型 10
3.2.2 计算传动装置的运动和动力参数 11
3.3 齿轮的设计及校核计算 12
3.3.1 第一对齿轮的设计 12
3.3.2 第二对齿轮的设计 19
3.4 轴的设计及校核计算 25
3.4.1 中间轴的设计及校核 25
3.4.2 输入轴的设计及校核 30
3.4.3 输出轴的设计及校核 35
3.5 轴承的选择与校核计算 39
3.5.1 输入轴上的轴承选择与校核 39
3.5.2 中间轴上的轴承选择与校核 41
3.5.3 输出轴的轴承选择与校核 41
3.6 键的选择与校核计算 42
3.6.1 中间轴上键的选择与校核 42
3.6.2 输出轴上键的选择与校核 43
3.7 轴系部件的结构设计 43
3.7.1 轴承盖的结构设计 43
3.8 轴外伸处的密封设计 45
3.9 减速器箱体的设计 45
3.10 油面位置及箱座高度的确定 47
3.11 油沟的结构形式及尺寸 47
3.12 检查孔与检查孔盖的设计 48
3.13 通气器的结构及尺寸 48
3.14 放油孔、螺塞和封油圈 49
3.15油标指示器 50
3.16 起吊装置 51
3.17 定位销 52
3.18 启盖螺钉 52
3.19 套筒的设计 53
- 给煤机其余部件设计 54
4.1曲柄连杆的设计 54
4.1.1 曲柄轮毂键的设计及校核 54
4.1.2 曲柄连杆其余零件的选取 55
4.2给煤槽的设计 55
4.3拖辊组件的设计及校核 57
4.3.1辊轮轴的设计计算 57
4.3.2辊轮轴强度的校核 62
4.4闸门的设计 64
5. 主要零件的加工工艺 65
5.1齿轮的加工工艺 65
5.1.1硬齿面齿轮的工艺特点 65
5.1.2渗碳齿轮的加工工艺 65
5.2轴的加工工艺 68
结 论 71
参考文献 72
英文原文 73
中文译文 78
致谢 82