摘  要


关键词:流水线 升降设备 设计



Design of refrigerator lifting platform

Abstract:Refrigerator is the modern people living necessary household appliances, like most of the industrial products, in the process of mass production, refrigerator manufacturing and assembly line. General industrial products must ensure that the procedure in production procedure, the transfer of the down connection, but production activities are often limited to the production site, technical requirements as well as the assembly process and so on various constraints, this a series of problems, people constantly improve mechanization, automation and intelligence of modern water manufacturing product line. Such as when a product production in different processes with different height requirements, people “lifting equipment is introduced, the design is in the refrigerator production line of the elevator link launched a series of design. For a kind of mechanical equipment design, must first understand the function and significance of the product, so the market should have the necessary investigation and understanding, such as common refrigerator size, weight and material types, at the same time to practical studies on enterprise capacity requirements, production rhythm and labor efficiency. Thus corresponding to list out the reasonable size and working conditions for “lifting equipment” preliminary requirements, in order for this design outline. According to this requirement, through the principle of mechanical design, sketch map, motion analysis, mechanical checking one by one, in combination with actual production life choose the optimal solution. As a blueprint for the CAD drawings, materials and power. Throughout the design process, can pass life practice, summarizes the improvements, as far as possible to optimal outcomes.

Key words:assembly line,lifting equipment,design




目   录

第1章  前言

第2章  设计概要说明




第3章 升降机平台设计









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