







With the further research in the field of face recognition in recent years, it is found that face recognition has been more and more put into people’s daily life At the same time, there are many college students in the atmosphere of College freedom, gradually learning college knowledge more and more seriously Therefore, this subject designs a classroom state monitoring system based on face recognition, which aims to monitor the state of students in class through face recognition


The system uses the classroom state analysis system developed by Python language, and uses CNN (convolutional neural network) for in-depth learning in the program This program reads the video, uses advanced image processing and pattern recognition, finds the expression and posture in the video, and labels them, so as to realize the monitoring of students’ listening state. It uses the constraints of face movement interval to judge whether students leave their seats, face orientation and other information, so as to realize the monitoring of students’ listening state Some new and perfect designs are adopted in the design, and some basic functions and components of the system are analyzed, including system demand analysis, system structure, function module division and mode analysis. The actual development and implementation of the application program are introduced, which ensures the consistency and security of data information, and ensures that the application program has complete functions and meets the requirements of the system




Key words: classroom state analysis; Image recognition; Convolutional neural network; python; Deep learning;



摘要… I

Abstract II

目录… 1

第1章绪论… 2

1.1开发项目背景及意义… 2

1.2研究现状… 2

1.3图像识别… 3

1.3.1彩图灰度化… 3

1.3.2直方图均衡化… 3

1.3.3图像预处理… 4

1.4Python简介… 6

1.4.1Python语言介绍… 6

1.4.2Python机器学习… 6

1.5项目的思路… 6

1.6项目的内容… 7

第2章系统分析… 8

2.1系统功能需求分析… 8

2.2可行性分析… 9

2.3系统业务流程分析… 9

第3章系统设计… 10

3.1系统设计目标… 10

3.2系统总体结构… 10

3.3图像灰度化… 11

3.4二值化处理… 12

第4章系统实现… 12

4.1卷积神经网络模型设计… 13

4.2平台搭建… 15

4.3python调用的库… 18

4.3.1Torch简介… 18

4.3.2numpy简介… 20

4.3.3 cv2简介… 20

4.3.4face_recognition简介… 21

4.4课程学生学习行为可视分析系统的实现… 23

第5章系统测试… 24

5.1测试的原理… 24

5.2测试的方法… 25

5.3测试的用例… 25

5.4测试的结果… 25

第6章总结与展望… 27

6.1结论… 27

6.2不足之处及未来展望… 27

致谢… 29






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