本次设计是在冲压模具设计过程中结合生产实际,首先研究冲压成形的基本理论,然后运用基本理论对该制件的基本工序的特点、性质、规律进行了分析、研究和探讨。以冲孔、落料、弯曲工序为重点确定冲压工艺方案, 在工艺分析的基础上提出几种可行的工艺方案,用技术经济分析方法确定了最佳工艺方案,进行了工序的组合。在制件的整体结构的设计中,还要进行模具中各个零件的设计及选择和某些零件相关尺寸的计算及校核,如确定凹模尺寸、凸模尺寸,确定凸、凹模的结构形式,并对其进行强度校核。然后是模具的零件设计,主要是导柱、导套的设计选择,卸料板的选择及其厚度的确定,固定板的尺寸确定。确定模具上下模座的形式及其厚度。
The stamping design is combined with producing reality ,I resesrched the process with the fundamental theory first,then studied working procedure with priority while ascertaining the stamping scheme on the industrial analysis basis, used technical analysis method to ascertain the best scheme, carried out the combination with working procedure. After that, I selected the pulling deep forming ,designed entire structure. And then the mould part design,including guide pin.I ascertained the material board and their thickness, the dead plate dimension , the person fixes about unnatural thickness , model seat form and their thickness.
In the design process of pulling depths ,I searched large amount of books and technical data of designing and stamping a model ,collected large amount of material and references. I have studied every essential part in this compound stamping model design , verified the rationality to every part design , dug into the process of the compound model design assiduously , discovered every problem in time and looked for a teacher explain that.In this process I studied the intensity of the mould designing capital to the model , the need of adding backing board,how to choose spring force and proofread with removing the calculation, expected that the force comparison has all carried out with more advantages.I have carried out verification under producing condition , ensured the handicraft feasibility’s turn to shorten the production cycle , to make full use of raw material . Several aspects of designing that essential main body has carried out and the main part of designing are following:
- I appliedthe designing software AutoCAD intothe progress of designing components,this has decreased the number of times of experimenting model , improved efficiency, minimized cost;
- The mould design has economized manpower , workingprocedure ,realized high efficiency with high significance;
- The design result is feasible , canbeapplied into real production;
- Increasedwhose intensity by adding protruding model with backing board
- When stampingare carriedout ,the adding or subtracting of a cutting edge dimension should be considered. I selected and used the minimal rational gap according to cutting a gap.
Key words: Electrode piece, punching, bending,blanking,Continuous mold design
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