摘  要




关键词: 注射模;侧向抽芯;后端盖




With the global manufacturing shift to the Asia-Pacific region, China is the world’s important manufacturing base, the national economy as the basis of one of the industrial tooling industry will face competition in the first line. With the 3-D graphics technology and computer technology to the development of CAD technology will also die in their development occupies an increasingly important position. China’s mold industry will face new development opportunities and challenges. Although in many respects, China’s mold a great development, but there are still many outstanding issues. At present most of die design and manufacturing design experience to rely on the design, die by the quality of all the accumulated experience of personal control, which makes die design of long cycle and low efficiency and it is difficult to guarantee their quality. In addition to mold industry needs “high arts” of practitioners, but also the need for more “high technology” to ensure that. This paper introduced a solid base of the plastic injection mold design process. From the cavity of determining the number and layout, the injection of choice, pouring system design, templates and standards of selection, and Stripping out the core design, shaping the design of       components, such as January 1 carried out a detailed introduction.

Key words:  Injection Mould; lateral core pulling; after Cover



目  录


1 前    言 1

2 塑件成型工艺分析 2

2.1 塑件材料选择 2

2.2 材料性能 2

2.3 塑件成型工艺性分析 3

3 模具总体结构设计 6

3.1型腔数目和布局 6

3.2分型面的确定 7

4注射机的选用与参数校核 9

4.1注射量得计算 9

4.2浇注系统凝料的初步估算 9

4.3选取注塑机 10

5浇注系统的设计 12

5.1浇注系统的组成 12

5.2浇注系统各部件设计 12

5.3分流道设计 14

5.4.浇口的设计 16


5.6、冷料穴的设计及计算 19

6 排气系统的设计

7 模具零件结构尺寸设计






8 脱模推出机构的设计






10冷却系统设计 29

10.1冷却介质 29

10.2冷却系统的简单计算 29

11导向与定位机构的设计 32

12 模具工作过程 32

参考文献 34

致    谢 35



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