
本设计以吊耳加强板零件冲压工艺与冲模设计的全过程,通过审查及工艺分析确定其为单工序模。然后再对此单工序模进行整体设计,在此过程中,凸凹模的设计为一难点,主要的是刃口的计算及定位方式的选择问题,然后再利用得出的数据结合有关的参考资料和图表,对模具的主要零件进行结构设计,最后根据全部零件的结构设计选用合适的模座和模柄,并选用合适的冲压设备,最后,画出冲裁模的总装图和零件图,在绘图过程中,使用的软件为Auto CAD。


关键词:冲压工艺 冲模设计  冲裁模


Abstract: with the development of science and technology and the rapid development of industrial production, stamping processing technology used more widely, die forming has become an important means of modern industrial production.

This design to lug reinforcing plate stamping parts stamping process and design process of examining and process analysis, determine the single procedure mode. Then again for a single process modules overall design, in this process, the design of die and punch for a difficulty, main is rigid the calculation and positioning the choice of the ways of problems, then reuse concluded data by combining relevant reference material and graphs, the main parts of mould structure design, according to all parts of the structure design chooses appropriate mould seat and die, and selects the appropriate handle pressing equipment, finally, draw the punch die final assembly figure and parts graph, in a drawing process, USES a software for Auto CAD.

Keywords: stamping    process mould design    punch mould




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