摘  要






The fast-paced development of the modern economy and the continuous improvement and upgrading of information technology have upgraded the management of traditional data information to a management method of software storage, induction, and centralized processing of data information. This mall system was born in such a big environment. It can help managers to process huge data information in a short time. Using this software tool can help managers improve transaction processing efficiency and achieve multiplier effect. This mall system uses the current mature and perfect PHP technology and the MySQL database, one of the most popular RDBMS application software, for program development. The mall system has two roles of administrator and user. The administrator functions include personal center, user management, commodity classification management, commodity brand management, commodity information management, order management, and system management. Users can register and log in, view and purchase product information, add products to the shopping cart, and leave messages to customer service. The development of the mall system is designed according to the needs of the operator, and the interface is simple and beautiful. The layout of the functional modules is consistent with the same type of website. When the program realizes the basic required functions, it also provides some practical solutions for the security problems faced by data information. It can be said that this program not only helps managers deal with work affairs efficiently, but also realizes the integration, standardization and automation of data information.

Key WordsMall system; PHP technology; MySQL; automation



1 绪论

1.1 研究背景

1.2 目的和意义

1.3 论文结构安排

2 相关技术

2.1 PHP技术介绍

2.2 B/S结构介绍

2.3 MySQL数据库介绍

3 系统分析

3.1 系统可行性分析

3.1.1 技术可行性分析

3.1.2 经济可行性分析

3.1.3 运行可行性分析

3.2 系统性能分析

3.2.1 易用性指标

3.2.2 可扩展性指标

3.2.3 健壮性指标

3.2.4 安全性指标

3.3 系统流程分析

3.3.1 操作流程分析

3.3.2 登录流程分析

3.3.3 信息添加流程分析

3.3.4 信息删除流程分析

4 系统设计

4.1 系统概要设计

4.2 系统功能结构设计

4.3 数据库设计

4.3.1 数据库E-R图设计

4.3.2 数据库表结构设计

5 系统实现

5.1 商家配送管理

5.2 用户管理

5.3 商品分类管理

5.4 商品信息管理

5.5 评价和反馈

5.6 点击购买

5.7 我的订单

6 系统测试

6.1 系统测试的特点 


6.3 测试结果分析

结  论




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