So the flange plate is type factory commonly used, the processingprecision request not too high, but the year demand quantity isbigger.
Therefore, processes time this flange plate, first, needs to considerthe question is the processing production efficiency.
1. uses when the general engine bed clamps processes this flangeplate, the processing scope may carry on the expansion, may process aseries of flange plates, but the general engine bed time is longer,installs Yang Yu to disassemble the work piece the time to compare thelabor, causes the flange plate the processing efficiency to be unableto carry on the enhancement.
2. specialized engine bed craft scope narrower, only can process ina size scope some kind of components, completes some specific workingprocedure, but a production efficiency more general engine bed ishigh.
3. the special purpose machine craft scope is narrowest, usuallyonly can complete some specific components the specific workingprocedure, but the special purpose machine processing efficiency is inthese three kind of engine beds highest. Therefore the special purposemachine was suitable has processed this kind of flange plate.
英文关键词:The flange plate, uses the general engine bed to clamp, specializedengine bed, rotary table