574 jspm项目管理系统hsg2935录像2018


目  录




第一章  绪论

1.1 课题背景

1.2 技术要求

第二章 相关技术介绍

2.1 B/S体系结构

2.2 SQL Server 2000

2.3 JSP技术

2.4 ODBC数据访问接口

2.5 JDBC数据访问接口

2.6 JavaScript

第三章  概要设计

3.1 总体设计的目的

3.2 系统总体流程图

3.3 功能模块图

3.4 用户功能模块图

第四章  系统设计

4.1 设计目标

4.2 开发及运行环境

4.3 数据库设计

第五章  网站总体架构

5.1 系统架构设计

5.2 网站首页的运行结果

5.3 类的分布

第六章  基础信息维护模块设计

6.1 工具层的实现

6.1.1 Chinese.java类(字符级转换的类)

6.1.2 sqlCode.properties文件(sql语句的存放位置)

6.1.3 SQLCode.java类(通过这个类解析properties文件中的sql语句)

6.1.4 JDBConnction.java(这是个JDBC的类,用于加载数据库)

6.2 样式层的实现

6.3 持久层的实现

6.3.1 接口类(Dao为结尾的类名)

6.3.2 实现接口类(以DaoImpl为结尾的类名)

6.4 服务层的实现

6.4.1 接口类(Facade为结尾的类名)

6.4.2 实现接口类(FacadeImpl为结尾的类名)

6.5 企业类型设置控制层的实现

6.5.1 添加操作

6.5.2 修改操作

6.5.3 删除操作

6.5.4 查询操作






摘  要



本系统采用比较流行的ADO 数据访问技术,并将每个数据库表的字段和操作封装到类中,从而成功的将面向对象的程序设计思想应用到系统设计中。这也是本系统的特色和优势。


关键词:企业项目管理系统; SQL2000数据库; JSP



The software item  management system is for can make the business enterprise item completed smoothly according to the cost, degree of progress, quantity for schedule to, but carry on the activity of analysis and management to the personnel, product, process and item, the system includes the basic information of item management, the software mold piece manage to manage etc. with the software blemish function.

This system must then can increase the business enterprise item information after increase basic information.The basic information includes item type information, item appearance information, the mold an appearance information and a blemish information etc. of molds.The backstage database  adoption SQL2000, the stage development tool adoption the JSP technique, language of JAVA.

This system adoption  more popular ADO data visits the technique, and pack each word of database form segment and operations seal in the type, thus will face to the program design of the object thought to apply to the system design successfully in.This is also the special features and the advantage of this system.

The software item  management system will take need as to manage the core, in order to manage the contents, mission quantity for manage the management that the index sign carries out the item process.The item is from the need establishment for beginning, is followed the degree of progress that the need complete by the mission, use the standard that the quantity management investigates the need to complete, the system can carry out the need to mission, the mission arrives the complete management of the quantity, with trace back to the management of way carry out complete management of the item process.


Key word: The business enterprise item  management system; Database of SQL2000; JSP


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