楼盘销售信息系统的建立是一个庞大的工程,如何在买卖双方交易之前,可以通过某种方式让双方彼此有一定的了解和互信,使楼盘销售更方便化,成了楼盘销售管理的核心。本系统是以Microsoft Visual Studio 2005作为开发工具, SQL Server 2005作为数据库开发的楼盘销售系统。该系统可以显示行业的基本信息、市场热点、求购信息和供应信息。未注册用户只能浏览行业的基本信息、市场热点、求购信息和供应信息,并不能发布个人的求购信息或者个人的供应信息。注册用户不仅可以浏览未注册用户浏览的信息,还可以登录系统后台进行个人信息管理,求购信息管理和供应信息管理。本系统的最终目的就是加强求购方和供应方的沟通,促进房屋销售。测试结果表明,该系统具有友好的界面,能够较好的实现楼盘销售系统的各项功能。
- 楼盘信息;求购信息;供应信息;数据库
Design and Implementation of
the Real Estate Sales Management System
Software Engineering Major Wang Zhiqiang
- The establishment of the informationmanagement system on real estate sales figures is an enormous Inevitably, it has become a major consideration that how to make the sell side and buy side better understand each other before the completion of the transaction, which will benefits the deals. Using Microsoft Visual Studio 2005 and SQL Server 2005 as database, the Real Estates Information Management System is build to fulfill such a purpose, which is able to present uses with fundamental information, popular market information, buying information and supplying information. Unregistered users, who are merely able to browse fundamental information, popular market information, buying information and supplying information, are not entitled to post their individual buying or supplying information. Quite to the opposite, registered users enjoy the privileges of not only browsing unregistered users’ information, but also login onto the system background and managing all sorts of information of individual, buying and supplying. The system is created with the purpose of enhancing the interaction between demand sides and supplying sides, so that it can improve the real estates sales. Through testing, the system possesses an excellent user interface and realizes all the functions of managing housing sales information.
- Real Estate Information; Buying Information;Supplying Information;Database
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