076asp.net 教材管理系统 演示录像


摘   要



作为校园信息化管理,已经成为评测校园教学质量的一个重要手段。在校园信息化管理中,学校的教材管理已是首要解决的问题,学校每学期开学都需要购买大量的教材,学校根据每学期所开设的各种课程,向书店或者出版社购进教科书,然后学生以班级为单位向学校领书交费。这项工作现在大部分学校还是手工操作,不仅工作效率很低,并且不能及时了解教材库存和领取的具体情况。针对上述情况,根据目前学校管理的模式和计算机管理中的优点,经过多方面的分析,该系统实现班级信息管理、领取的自动管理以及以往的教材信息的查询。本系统主要设计了6大功能模块,分别是院系设置、专业设置、班级设置、教材管理、入库管理、出库管理。通过功能分析首先建立数据库结构,根据功能尽量完善和实用结合设计程序界面和功能代码。而Visaul Studio2005和Microsoft SQL Server2000就是开发这个管理系统很好的工具。


关键词:asp,net;   管理信息系统;   教材管理;   Microsoft SQL Server2000



Materials management system

Student:  WU Cheng fa   Teacher:  TAO Xiao_mei

Abstract :Is getting more and more thorough along with the information technology in the management and the widespread application, management information system’s implementation technically already gradually maturely. The management information system is the new discipline which develops unceasingly, the enterprise must survive must develop, wants the high efficiency organically to organize the enterprise activities, must strengthen the business management, namely strengthens to enterprise interior each resources (personnel and so on) the effective management, establishes the management information system which adapts with own characteristic.

Takes the campus informationization management, already became evaluates the campus quality of teaching important means. In the campus informationization management, the school teaching material management already was the most important solution question, school each semester begins school needs to purchase the massive teaching materials, the school acts according to each kind of curriculum which each semester opened, purchased the textbook to the bookstore or the publishing house, then the student received book paying fee take the class and grade as the unit to the school. This work now majority of school manual operation, not only the working efficiency is very low, and cannot understand promptly the teaching material keeps in stock the special details which and receives. In view of the above situation, according to the present school administration’s pattern and computer management’s merit, undergoes various analysis, this system realizes the automatic control which as well as the former teaching material information inquiry the class and grade information management, the teaching material charge management, receive. This system has mainly designed 4 big functional modules, respectively is the system administration, the money spent on books management, the warehousing management, the synthesis inquiry. First establishes the database structure through the functional analysis, is as far as possible perfect according to the function and the practical union project approach contact surface and the function code. But Visaul Studio2005 and the Microsoft SQL Server2000 develop this management system management system very good tool.

Through to teaching material information management system’s realization, raised manager’s working efficiency greatly, has facilitated the school to the class and grade and the teacher teaching material information management, has completed the design goal.

Key words:asp.net;  Management information system;  Teaching material management ;

Microsoft SQL Server2000





1 引言

2 材管理系统设计的目的和相关原理



2.2.1 ASP.NET介绍

2.2.2 Microsoft SQL Server2000

2.2.3 SQL语句介绍

3 可行性研究


3.2 可行性分析

4 系统分析

4.1 系统需求分析

4.2 数据库的连接

5 系统总体设计


5.2 系统实现的功能





6 功能模块的实现

6.1 数据库的实现

6.2 连接数据库

6.3 主要功能模块

6.3.1 院系设置模块

6.3.2 专业设置模块

6.3.3 班级设置模块

6.3.4 教材管理模块

6.3.5 入库管理模块

6.3.6 出库管理模块

6.3.7 用户管理模块

6.3.8 修改密码模块


7 系统测试

7.1 登陆测试

7.2 添加教材操作测试

7.3 教材出库模块测试

7.4 测试小结

8 总结




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