081net FLEX相册录像
摘 要
本系统采用ASP.NET 2.0开发语言实现服务器端的控制,采用FLEX技术实现客户端的控制。实现了包括文件夹的操作、文件的操作、欢迎用户的界面三个功能模块;通过文件夹功能模块,可以添加、删除、浏览、文件夹;通过文件功能模块,可以查看文件属性、上传、下载、删除文件;通过用户欢迎界面模块,跟用户有一个良好的交互。该系统具有一定的应用价值。
关键词:FLEX 电子相册 ASP.NET SQL Server 2005
The electronic album (i.e. network plate), is one kind of data storage spaces where the user can upload and download from the website based on the Internet to carry on operation ,such as uploading, downloading, sharing data and so on. The free electronic album’s usable space are few, generally to limits document size, downloading speed, storage time and so on; The payment net plate can provide the large capacity space, the document size, the downloading speed, the storage time and the form does not be limited. And user also can establish and delete albums or photos.
Similarly uses the homepage, the FLEX technology realizes the net plate by loads the upload which in the homepage manufactures with flex to control, should control to be able to realize the multiple file uploads, may support the upload progress strip demonstration, the contact surface is also attractive, passes through the code the optimized speed to be stable, although the FLEX technology does not support the break point to continue the biography, the upload progress’s demonstration also can only from the client side gain, softwares and so on firewall possibly affect to this controls, but it is quite suitable for the common document transmission.
This system uses the ASP.NET 2.0 development languages to realize the server end control, uses the FLEX technology to realize the client side control. Realized three functional modules including folder’s operation, the document operation, user’s registration; Through the folder functional module, may increase, the deletion, glance over the folder; Through the file function module, may examine the file attribute, upload, download the file, establish the file, delete the file; so on functions. So the system has certain application value.
Key words:FLEX Electronic Album ASP.NET SQL Server 2005
摘 要
1 绪论
1.1 课题研究的背景
1.2 课题研究的目的和意义
2 开发平台介绍和使用技术分析
2.1 系统所需的软硬件平台
2.2 主要开发软件介绍
2.2.1 FLEX Builder 4软件
2.2.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2005软件
2.2.3 Visual Studio 2008开发平台
2.3 使用技术的分析
2.3.1 RIA技术
2.3.2 使用FLEX技术开发WEB的优势
2.3.3 使用 ASP.NET开发服务器端程序的优势
3 需求分析
3.1 项目背景分析
3.2 可行性研究分析
3.3 业务描述
3.4 功能分析
3.4.1 系统的功能特点
3.5 数据流程分析
4 系统详细设计
4.1 数据库设计
4.1.1 数据库的建设原则
4.1.2 数据库的概念结构设计
4.1.3 数据库的逻辑结构设计
4.2 基于FLEX的Web应用程序设计方法
4.3 系统功能模块的设计与实现
4.3.1 用户登录模块
4.3.2 文件夹功能模块
4.3.2 文件功能模块
4.4 界面设计
5 系统测试
5.1 文件夹模块测试用例
5.2 文件模块测试用例
6 总结和展望
致 谢