摘 要:随着本国市场经济的迅速发展和人们生活水平的不断提高,宾馆酒店业的竞争越来越激烈。要想在竞争中取得优势,就必须在经营管理,产品服务等方面提高服务管理意识。面对餐饮经营中起决定作用的餐饮管理,面对庞大的信息量,就需要一个酒店客房管理系统来提高酒店理效率。
因此,选择目前应用最广的Windows操作系统作为开发、测试和运行的平台,用Visual Studio.net 2005作为软件开发工具,asp.net作为编程语言,SQL Server 2000作为数据库支持,开发一个方便上手且功能强大的酒店客房管理系统软件,以提高酒店管理水平。
The Design and Realization of the Hostel Management System Based on the asp.net
Abstract:With the rapid development of the domestic economy and the improvement of people’s life standard, the competition between hotel industry is becoming keener and keener. It is necessary to improve since of service and management on management, product, etc in order to get the advantage in the competition. Facing the room administration which plats the decisive role on the room management as well as the large information, it needs a hotel management system to improve room management efficiency.
Therefore, the best way to improve the level of management is to explore a convenient and powerful systematic software of hotel management. That is to choose the widely used Windows operation system as a platform of exploration, test and operation, the Visual Studio.net 2005 as a tool of software development, asp.net as programmer-edited language, SQL Server 2000 as the supporter of database. It’s main function includes: registration, room reservation , settlement of refunding, room situation check, tourists information check, etc .
key words:Hostel Management System, asp.net, database design, programmer design