摘    要






关键词: B/S  JSP  企业办公管理


With the continuous development of China’s small and medium-sized enterprises, it has led to the management of enterprise personnel. More manual management of enterprise system departments is time-consuming and labor-intensive. With the development of information automation technology, how to scientifically, comprehensively and efficiently manage the computer’s complicated office management affairs is a hot topic. In order to improve their competitiveness, all enterprises are customizing and purchasing. Various business application software, using high-tech means for scientific and standardized management. As the manager of the office, I hope that I can understand the whole process status of the office management and the information and materials, so that I can make scientific decisions. As a staff member, I hope to avoid cumbersome manual operations and eliminate the traditional manual recording method to achieve twice the result with half the effort. A computer system that enables it to be systematic, standardized, and automated is necessary. Using computer technology to realize the automation of the management department, standardization is the best solution to this problem..

Based on the analysis of the status quo of the domestic system, this paper summarizes the overall characteristics of the system, adopts the object-oriented development method, systematically analyzes the OA office system, and designs it. Using eclipse as a development platform, using Java as a development language, and using a MySQL database and other technologies, we have developed a management website that can implement functions such as employee management and address book management..

This article will be carried out in the following seven parts: the first part of the background, significance, development status of the main OA office system, and the related technologies developed at the same time; the second part adopts the object-oriented method, from the feasibility, requirements, use cases, activity diagram In the aspect, the enterprise office management website was scientifically analyzed; the third part introduced the technology used in system development. The system architecture and database of the system are designed in the fourth part; the fifth part is the implementation part of the system. The sixth part is a systematic test of the corporate office management website. The last part summarizes the system development.

The system adopts B/S structure, and uses JSP and MySQL database to build a JSP-based enterprise office management website.

Keywords: B / S  JSP  Corporate office management

目    录

目    录


1.1 课题的目的和意义

1.2 国内现状分析


2.1 可行性研究

2.2 需求分析




3.1 JSP技术

3.2 MySQL数据库


3.4 myEclipse介绍



4.2 E-R图


5.1 项目开发计划

5.2 内容分析

5.3 数据库的详细设计


5.4.1 登录模块

5.4.2 留言管理

5.4.3 通讯录管理

5.4.4 日程管理


5.5.1 用户管理

5.5.2 文件管理


6.1 程序调试

6.2 程序的测试

7 总结与展望


参 考 文 献


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