因特网上的电子商务可以分为三个方面:信息服务、交易和支付。主要内容包括:电子商情广告;电子选购和交易、电子交易凭证的交换;电子支付与结算以及售后的网上服务等。主要交易类型有企业与个人的交易(B to C方式)和企业之间的交易(B to B方式)两种。 参与电子商务的实体有四类:顾客(个人消费者或企业集团)、商户(包括销售商、制造商、储运商)、银行(包括发卡行、收单行)及认证中心。从贸易活动的角度分析,电子商务可以在多个环节实现,由此也可以将电子商务分为两个层次,较低层次的电子商务如电子商情、电子贸易、电子合同等;最完整的也是最高级的电子商务应该是利用INTENET网络能够进行全部的贸易活动,即在网上将信息流、商流、资金流和部分的物流完整地实现,也就是说,你可以从寻找客户开始,一直到洽谈、订货、在线付(收)款、开据电子发票以至到电子报关、电子纳税等通过INTERNET一气呵成。
本设计使用微软提供的 Visual Studio.Net 2008 工具开发,以C#作为编程语言,采用SQL Server 2000数据库作为后台数据库。本系统根据电子商务的特点,以及流程需求的分析,正确的设定了程序的架构及模式。
关键词 ASP.NET 2.0 C# SQL Server 2000 电子商务
Internet e-commerce can be divided into three aspects: the information service, trading and payment. Main contents include: electronic business advertising, Choose and electronic trading, electronic trade voucher exchange, Electronic payment and settlement and after-sales services such as online. Main transaction type has enterprise and individual trading (B) and enterprise to C deals between (B) B to two. Participate in electronic business entities have four categories: customer (individual consumers or enterprise group), merchants (including distributors and manufacturers, storage, bank) (including hairpin, separate) and authentication center. From the perspective of trade activities, e-commerce in multiple links can be realized, which can be divided into two levels of e-commerce, the lower levels of e-commerce business, such as electronic trading, electronic contract as electronic, The most complete is the highest electronic commerce should be able to use all of INTENET network trade activities, namely, the INTERNET will flow and information flow, the flow, to realize the logistics complete parts, i.e., you can start from looking for customers to negotiate, order, online pay (receive), and to open the electronic invoice electronic declaration and electronic tax etc through INTERNET, distribute.
This design using Microsoft provides Visual studio.net 2008 in c #, as a tool for programming languages, using SQL Server 2000 database as the backend database. This system according to the features of e-business, and analysis of the process requirements, and correct the framework and procedures set a pattern.
Keywords: ASP.NET 2.0 C# SQL Server 2000 E-Commerce
第一章 绪论
1.1 网站开发背景
1.2 网站开发的意义
第二章 技术方案
2.1 C#简介
2.2 ASP.NET简介
2.3 数据库简介
2.3.1 SQL SERVER 简介
2.3.2 ADO.NET简介
第三章 需求分析
3.4 系统目标
3.5 系统业务流程图设计
第四章 系统总体设计
4.1 系统开发环境
4.3 各个模块基本流程图设计
4.3.1 管理员模块
4.3.2 会员模块
4.4 输入输出设计
4.4.1 输入设计
4.4.2 输出设计
第五章 系统实现
5.1 系统主界面介绍
5.2 饰品信息维护
5.3 订单中心
5.4 用户注册页面
5.5 购物车
5.6 用户订单
5.7 关键技术
第六章 系统测试
6.1 概述
6.1.2 特性
6.2 本系统测试描述