162asp.net高考在线网站 演示录像









关键词:高考在线网站;ASP.NET;C#;Browser/Server;SQL Server 2005;



Each candidate’s college entrance examination results came out, the approximate range of candidates is a foregone conclusion, but how in the established conditions, try to apply for schools and professional satisfaction is essential. Volunteer to complete the process, the information is the most important reference in previous years, based on past data, we need to come this year, admitted the possibility of the schools you want to apply.

The most notable feature of the title is the data dispersed, and the large amount of data. So the first problem is to establish the model search and filtering of the data.

We selected in previous years, the national college admissions in Fujian admission scores of 500-600 institutions to identify the lowest score corresponding to the ranking of the year, and then find the average position required to apply for the institution, according to this year’s ranking of the candidates , approximate to the next whether the candidates have a greater grasp apply to the institution or professional.

The project basically follow the software engineering methodology needs analysis, outline design, detailed design, and software testing.

Entrance fill volunteer How do I know is a key university information. College entrance examination online website development major college calendar professional score in college ranking information, professional ranking information, provide the background to add, delete, modify, query, rights management, at the same time provide the front of the user registered, permissions maintenance, each class information query, analog voluntary reporting as well as analog admission probability analysis


KeywordsCollege entrance examination online website; ASP.NET; C #; Browser / Server; SQL Server 2005;




(英文) II

第一章 概述



1.3主要研究的内容 2

1.4 论文整体结构 2

第二章 开发环境介绍 3

2.1 开发工具介绍 3

2.1.1 ASP.NET简介 3

2.1.2 数据库简介 4

2.2 运行环境 5

第三章 需求分析和总体设计

3.1 可行性分析

3.2 网站需要解决的主要问题

3.3网站目标与功能 7

3.3.1网站目标 7


3.4 数据库逻辑设计ER 8

3.4.1 实体与属性之间的关联 8

第四章 网站详细设计 9

第五章 网站实现 11

5.1网站后台功能模块实现 12

5.1.1管理员登录 12

5.1.2管理员信息管理 13

5.1.3高校信息管理 13

5.1.4招生信息管理 14

5.1.5修改密码 14

5.2网站前台功能模块实现 17

5.2.1网站首页 17

5.2.2高校排名 18

5.2.3专业排名 19

5.2.4高校历年的专业分数线 20

5.2.5用户注册登录 20

5.2.6志愿填报 22

5.2.7录取概率分析 22

5.3 网站的测试 23

5.3.1 网站测试的意义 23

5.3.2 网站测试的重要性 23

5.3.3 网站测试的范围 25

5.3.4 网站测试的方法 25

5.3.5 网站测试的目的和原则 26

结束语 27

参考文献 28


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