






基于Web 的在线投稿处理系统其优点便于投稿,传统的投稿方式有邮寄和电子邮件两种。邮寄方式投递时间长,反馈时间更长,并有投递错误、半路遗失的可能,既慢又不保险。E – mail 方式基于网络环境下,利用广大Internet 服务提供商提供的电子邮件服务投递邮件,比起传统的邮寄,这种方式在时效性和安全性上都迈进了一大步,但同时也存在着许多不足:如作者本人邮箱容量的限制、编辑邮箱的承载量的限制等。建立基于Web 的在线投稿处理系统后,其前台的用户可以在线写稿、预览、投递,并能在第一时间内收到用稿通知;后台管理员则可在线阅读、审批来稿,从而实现投稿- 采编- 发布一体化。


关键词 :asp.net2.0 ; c# ;Sql2000Server ;投稿






With the development of modern science and technology, publishing books in faster, more and more abundant species, the authors of articles to publishers more and more. Due to geographical constraints, the author usually need to Documents sent to publishers, and the efficiency is very low, not conducive to the revision and publication of books. Documents traditional processing and management system from manual to complete, waste a lot of manpower, material, but also not conducive to the improvement of work efficiency and enhance the management level. With the development of networks and gradually rise of the Internet boom of the manuscript. This can be achieved from the submission, reviewers, editing, distribution, and so the whole process of networking, and more flexible than the traditional model of convenience.
Documents in the day-to-day processing, data information management cumbersome and more services, mainly reflected in: Contributor calls often asked about progress in dealing with Documents, and editors often need to read the registration information to answer, use up a lot of working hours; the author , Articles, experts and other information on the maintenance of way is very cumbersome and difficult to find, thereby increasing efficiency and enhancing the sharing of information resources and so on, have higher requirements.
Documents in the day-to-day processing, data information management cumbersome and more services, mainly reflected in: Contributor calls often asked about progress in dealing with Documents, and editors often need to read the registration information to answer, use up a lot of working hours; the author , Articles, experts and other information on the maintenance of way is very cumbersome and difficult to find, thereby increasing efficiency and enhancing the sharing of information resources and so on, have higher requirements.
Web-based online submission system for submission its merits, the traditional style of contributions by mail and e-mail two. Mail delivery time is long, long time feedback, and delivery errors,the possible loss of both slow and insurance. E – mail-based network environment under way, using vast numbers of Internet service providers to offer e-mail message delivery services, rather than traditional mail, in this way in timeliness and safety of both a major step forward, but there are also Many lack: if the author himself-mail capacity constraints, the editor-mail carrying capacity restrictions. The establishment of a Web-based online submission system, their prospects of users online writing, preview, delivery and be able to use the first time on receipt of notice; backstage manager can be read online, vetting contributions in order to achieve Contributor – reporters and editors – Published integration


Keywords asp.net2.0 , c#, Sql2000Server, Contributors


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