205 asp.net开放式实验室预约系统 演示录像


摘  要



本文主要阐述了开放实验室管理系统的开发方法以及实现的功能。本系统采用ASP.NET 技术作为创建应用程序的方式,以ASP.net作为编程语言,采用SQL Server 数据库作为后台数据库。它是基于Browser/Server结构下形成的数据驱动的Web应用程序。




关键词:开放实验项目管理系统  ASP.NET  Browser/Server  SQL Server





Open laboratory management system

This article mainly elaborated opens the laboratory managementsystem management system the method of exploitation as well as therealization function. This system uses the ASP.NET technology to takethe foundation application procedure the way, to VB.net took theprogramming language, uses SQL the Server database to take thebackstage database. It is the data actuation Web application procedurewhich forms based on the Browser/Server structure under.

This system basically followed the software engineering methodology tocarry on the demand analysis, the outline design, the detailed designand the software test.

Has realized the manager the management which to the laboratory, thecurriculum, the experimental result, the bench-scale equipment, theplan of instruction, the rules and regulations, the workinginstruction, the teacher troop, the laboratory notice, theregistration teacher and the teacher makes an appointment; Teacher’sregistration, as well as teacher to appointment curriculum,experimental result management, to through appointment curriculum,plan of instruction, rules and regulations, working instruction,teacher troop and laboratory notice examination, Thus causes the tedious information to carry on systematized, thestandardized management, saves the time, the enhancement workingefficiency, to fully displays student’s subjective initiative,enhances the experimental teaching the effect.


Key words: Open laboratory management system;ASP.NET;Browser/Server;SQL Server



目  录

第一章  开发环境介绍

1.1 开发工具介绍

1.1.1 VB.NET简介

1.1.2 ASP.NET简介

1.1.3 数据库简介

1.2 运行环境

第二章  需求分析

2.1 可行性分析

2.2 系统需要解决的主要问题

第三章  概要设计

3.1 后台实现的功能

3.1.1 系统功能菜单

3.1.2 实验室办公管理


3.1 前台实现的功能

3.1.1 教师功能菜单

3.1.2 实验室办公管理


3.2 数据操作及表格设计

第四章  详细设计

4.1 登陆系统设计

4.2 数据库中表的设计

4.3 数据库逻辑设计ER

4.3.1 实体与属性之间的关联

4.3.2 数据库的ER

4.4 功能模块详细设计

4.4.1 系统功能信息维护

4.4.2 实验室办公管理

4.4.3 办公控制管理

4.4.4 教师功能维护

第五章  系统实现

5.1 login(系统主界面)

5.2 SysList(实验室列表)

5.3 SysEdit(编辑实验室信息)

5.4 JxjhList(教学计划列表)

5.5 JxjhEdit(编辑教学计划)

5.6 TeacherList(注册教师列表)

5.7 TeacherYuYueList(教师预约列表)

5.8 RegTeacher(新教师注册)

5.9 YuYueList(教师预约列表)

5.10 YuYueEdit(编辑预约课程)

第六章 软件测试

6.1 软件测试的意义

6.2 软件测试的重要性

6.3 软件测试的范围

6.4 软件测试的方法

6.5 软件测试的目的和原则

第七章 结论与总结

【参   献】



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