在Internet飞速发展的今天,互联网已成为人们快速获取、发布和传递信息的重要渠道,因此基于WEB技术的应用软件系统地位越来越重要。本文是在Microsoft .NET框架的集成环境中使用Asp.Net平台、C#程序开发语言、SQL Server数据库并结合了WEB技术进行开发的。
Today, Internet is making rapid development. Internet has become an important channel on which people can get, promulgate, transmit information. So the construction of application software system basing on the WEB has become more and more important. The System is developed in Microsoft Visual Studio dotNet, which is used language of C#, platform of Asp.Net, and the database of the Microsoft SQL Server 2000, and is integrate Web technology.
This system mainly by the user debarkation and the registration module, the user and the role administration module, the information administration module of teachers, the class and the grade platform module, the course administration module, the information administrator module of students , the score administrator module ofstudents seven big modules is composed. This article according to the system design the background, embarks from the system design motive and the goal, needed to do the work to the overall system design process to carry on the comprehensive analysis, proposed for the system functional design and the database design set of feasible solutions, have carried on the comprehensive demand analysis and theexhaustive design to it.
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