228 科研项目管理系统 演示录像



摘  要





(1) 分析了ASP.NET开发平台的体系结构及关键技术,认为在ASP.NET平台基础上开发三层架构的Web应用程序具有可管理性、可伸缩性好、可重用性好,易于构建等优点,决定采用ASP.NET作为系统的开发平台。

(2) 用面向对象和组件化开发相结合的设计方法,借助IIS工具,用ASP.NET语言,进行可视化建模,从系统需求、系统设计、系统实现三个方面,对科研管理系统进行了具体的分析与设计。







The universities scientific research causes a important task which the universities faces, the scientific research management content also quite complex, the scientific research design content and its is widespread, faced with project, fund and personnel’s management, therefore manufactures a universities scientific research management system management system is extremely important. The universities scientific research management system management system is the typical information management system, its development mainly includes the backstage database the establishment and the maintenance as well as front end the application procedure development two ASP.NETects. Establishes the data uniformity and the integrity regarding former request is strong, the data security good storehouse. But requests the application procedure function regarding latter completely, is easy to use and so on the characteristic.

After the analysis, we use Microsoft Corporation Access and the ASP.NET development kit, uses each kind of object-oriented development kit which it provides, the data window this can facilitate in particular but succinctly operates the database the intellectualized object, first establishes the system application prototype in the short time, then, carries on the demand iteration to the initial prototype system, unceasingly revises and the improvement, until forms user satisfaction the feasible system. This text at to the ASP.NET key technique analytical foundation up, work according to the research of concrete process, manage the system structure of system to the research, develop a method to carry on a study, mainly did a following work:

(1) Analyzed an ASP.NET development system structure and key technique of the terrace, think foundation can manage sex up developing the application procedure of the Web of three layers of structures to have at the ASP.NET terrace strong, flexible good, heavy use sex like, be easy to set up etc. advantage, decide adopting ASP.NET is the development terrace of system.

(2) Use to face to object and module to turn the design method that the development combines together, ask for help IIS tool, use ASP.NET language, carrying on can see to turn to set up a mold, carrying out three ASP.NETects from the system need, the system design, system, managing system to carry on concrete analysis and the design to the research.


Key word: MIS; Database; ASP.NET; Access; Web Service.



目  录



第1章  前  言

第2章  系统开发工具介绍

2.1 ASP.NET简介

2.1.1  ASP.NET技术的由来

2.1.2  ASP.NET具有的特点

2.1.3  ASP.NET的运行机制

2.1.4  ASP.NET支持的语言

2.2 ASP.NET的内建对象简介

2.2.1.  Response对象

2.2.2  Request对象

2.2.3  Server对象

2.2.4  Application对象

2.2.5  Session对象

2.2.6  Objectcontext 对象

2.3 Access 2003简介

2.4 IIS 5.1简介

2.4.1  IIS服务器的特性

2.4.2  IIS 5.1提供的基本服务

2.4.3  管理IIS的三种方式

2.4.4  安装IIS

第3章  管理信息系统研究概述

3.1 管理信息系统的发展历史

3.2 管理信息系统的特点

3.3 管理信息系统的开发和评价

3.3.1  管理信息系统的开发

3.3.2  管理信息系统的评价

第4章  科研信息管理系统分析与设计

4.1 科研管理系统的开发背景

4.2 科研信息管理系统的可行性分析

4.3 科研信息管理系统的要求

4.4 科研信息管理系统的系统流程图

第5章  科研信息管理系统设计

5.1 系统开发的指导思想和原则

5.1.1  系统开发的指导思想

5.1.2  系统开发的原则

5.2 系统目标

5.2.1  系统性能目标

5.2.2  系统功能目标

5.3 系统开发平台的选择

5.4 科研信息管理系统功能模块设计

5.4.1  系统功能描述

5.4.2  系统功能模块图

5.5 数据库设计

5.5.1  数据库设计原则

5.5.2  数据库表格的设计

第6章 科研信息管理系统的功能实现

6.1 主界面介绍

6.2 数据录入与管理的开发目的

6.3 数据录入与管理的设计与实现

6.3.1  奖项的录入

6.3.2   项目管理 的录入

6.3.3  专著信息的录入

第7章  结  论




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