摘 要
本系统是为了方便校友之间联系而设计的基于Web的应用程序。制作的目的主要是用来进行校友的登录、注册和校友照片的上传,实现留言、发表评论、聊天。本校友录网站采用B/S架构,前台使用 ASP.NET 技术框架,并通过IIS进行发布,后台采用SQL Server 2005数据库。系统主要的功能模块包括:个人模块,班级模块,交流模块,管理员模块等。其中个人模块包括个人的注册、登录、以及个人信息的填写与修改。班级模块包括班级留言、班级聊天、班级同学的通讯录等。交流模块包括聊天室、留言板、通讯录、相册等。管理员模块包括班级通知以及班委的委派。本文主要论述了校友录网站的背景、现状和目的,对系统的需求分析、系统设计、系统的实现,以及主要模块的详细设计进行了具体的说明。
关键词 校友录;聊天室;ASP.NET;SQLServer2005;B/S
The design of the alumni record system
based on the Web
The software is easy for classmate to communicate. This software is design by WEB. It use login and register to upload some photo and chart. This web is use B/S framework. The Web foreground is use by ASP.NET . Web is uploaded by IIS. The database is base on SQL Server 2005. The system major function include: personal module, class module, communicate module, administrator module and so on. Personal module can register, login and fill in and change personal information. Class module can leave a message and have classmate address list. Communicate module has chart room, message board, photo album and so on. Administrator module can notice to class and appoint monitor. This article is talk about classmate web which background, condition and goal. The system that demand analysis, system design, achieve system and design major module.
Keywords: alumni record;chat room;ASP.NET;SQLServer2005;B/S
3.2.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2005