240 asp.net 三层架构教师绩效管理系统 241 ne作业批改课程教学网站录像




现代信息技术的发展,Internet日益成为项事业的发展方向。本文就根据现已存在的问题,对”基于web的教学网站”系统做了全面的分析和整体的介绍。介绍了ASP.Net2.02.0+SQL Server2000技术开发该系统的子系统的整个过程,即基于基于web的教学网站。该系统主要利用了ASP.Net2.02.0强大的网络数据库访问技术,实现web 交互。系统设计并实现了Server和Client模块。这些模块各自发挥了不同的作用与功能,并以ASP。NET2.0+C#语言为实例进行了系统实现。




关键词 ASP.Net2.0,课程,教学,SQL Server2000;




The development of modern information technology, Internet is increasingly becoming items of business development. In this paper, according to already existing problems of “web-based teaching and learning sites” system has done a comprehensive analysis and the overall presentation. Introduced ASP.Net2.02.0 + SQL Server2000 subsystem technology development of the system the entire process, which is based on web-based teaching sites. The system is mainly made use of ASP.Net2.02.0 a strong network of database access technology to realize web interaction. System design and implementation of the Server and Client modules. These modules each play a different role and function and to ASP. NET2.0 + C # language for the examples of the system implementation.

web is not just the establishment of an online sale and purchase of those groups, it is also among the companies provide the basis for strategic cooperation. Any one enterprise, regardless of its strong technical strength with multi-or multi-good business strategy, in order to achieve a separate web is simply not possible. Go it alone has passed, the establishment of alliances between enterprises has become trend. Network allows unimpeded access of information among enterprises via the Web in the market, product or business, etc. to build a complementary and mutually beneficial cooperation, and create horizontal or vertical form of business integration, to a larger scale, more strength, more economical operation of truly achieve the global logistics management model.

Paper mainly introduces the development background of this topic, systems analysis, database design and system design and implementation.

Key words ASP.Net2.0, curriculum, teaching, SQL Server2000;


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