摘 要
系统采用结构化分析和设计方法,采用ASP.NET,JAVASCRIPT,关系数据库等技术进行设计和开发,目前可以在SQL Server 2000数据库和IIS下正确运行。论文还论述了B2C电子商务的开发背景、系统目标和需求、系统分析、总体设计、详细设计、编码实现以及在系统开发过程中碰到的主要问题及其解决方法。当然,建立实际可用的家电电子商务网站所涉及的各种问题比论文中研究的内容要复杂很多,例如数据维护和管理、购物平台的安全性和认证等,都有待于进一步的研究和实践。
With the popularization of the Internet, shopping online has been accepted by people gradually, it has already become a main component of the Internet Economy. The main research of the paper is how to implement an applied online shopping platform using the existed technique and exerts the information advantage of the Internet furthest.
The subject studied the existed B2C e-commerce platform and its related technologies, standard and determined the system’s goals and needs. Through fully analysis the system objectives and needs, we implemented a set of ASP.NET online supermarket system’s plan. Its main function is to browse and inquire products, user registration and landing and management background and so on, Specially we introduced the Cart and the orders more Carefully.
The system used the structured analysis and design methods and used the ASP.NET, ADO.NET, JAVASCRIPT, relational database technology for the design and development. It can run correctly under in SQL Server 2000 database and IIS platform. The paper also discussed the development of the B2C e-commerce background, objectives and needs, Analysis, overall designs, Detailed design, Coding of the System and also gave the answers of solving the problems that we encountered in the development of the system.
Keywords: Appliance e-commerce site, Supermarket, Database, ASP.NET