目  录

摘  要


1 导论


1.2 研究意义

1.3 文献综述




1.4 研究方法

1.5 研究内容

2 铁岭市失地农民再就业现状

2.1 概述

2.2 失地农民再就业的特点





3 铁岭市失地农民再就业目前存在的主要问题




4 铁岭市失地农民目前再就业难的原因

4.1 农民职业技能不高

4.2 就业期望过高

4.3 社会对农民还存在部分偏见

4.4 子女求学等配套保障不够



5 政府采取的主要措施

5.1 鼓励自主创业

5.1.1 法律法规指导



5.1.4 提供优惠政策,合理引导创业

5.2 回迁补偿

5.3 优先提供就业岗位

6 解决失地农民就业的对策与建议

6.1 强化职业培训






5.2 积极引导就业观念



5.3 形成良好社会舆论

5.4 完善配套保障





7 结论与展望

7.1 结论

7.2 展望

参 考 文 献



摘  要








Lost territory farmer as our country city in the process of the inevitable phenomenon in China in recent years, with the sustainable development of real estate market and housing prices continued to rise, the government in order to improve the performance efficiency, the positive development of city economy on large tracts of land for collection and planning, which also causes in China in recent years the number of landless lost territory farmer to further increase. As of 2009, I have enough current total of lost territory farmer has high amounts to 40000000 – 50000000, had become very large social groups, which completely lost land farmer, do not work at least above 10000000 people, accounting for 20% of lost territory farmer. Although the related government considering again the difficulty of obtain employment of lost territory farmer and land to its importance in the compensation standard, has been repeatedly rise, but because the farmer is born on land to make a living, lack of work in the city of survival skills, so many lost territory farmer over an extended period of time are often unable to find suitable work. And because the United States after the financial crisis, many of China’s export processing enterprises and labor intensive industry in the past is the obtain employment of lost territory farmer major corporate performance and efficiency decreases, which is further aggravate our country the number of landless Lost territory farmer and again the difficulty of obtain employment.

Landless Lost territory farmer in China as a special social group, they are our economic construction of the country to pay the huge price, but because of our country’s current economy construction develops is lopsided make many lost territory farmer cannot get effective compensation and employment assistance and training, so huge unemployment population not only to the society stability of law and order in the region, as well as national economic development brings the huge influence, will make our country city changes process rate slowdown, reduce our country to industrialized reform step forward. Therefore, how to effectively guide, guide the employment of landless farmers, help to get rid of the lost land of support oneself become crucial.

In view of this, this article through to the Liaoning province each city to visit, through field investigation and study of these areas of employment of landless farmers problems encountered and government in the resettlement of landless Lost territory farmer has taken relevant measures, taking Tieling city as the main research object, to explore a effective placement of this special group of effective method of. The author thinks the government except reasonable to monetary compensation, should also consider the long-term interests of landless Lost territory farmer, is not only a one-time transfer, this often leads to lost territory farmer after losing their land faces huge life and employment pressure, and as a result of future life does not have safeguard, the government’s land expropriation conflicted emotions, not conducive to Tieling city of the future city planning and process of implementation. Governments at all levels can be a portion of land leasing, specifically for the landless lost territory farmer regularly re-employment training. At the same time, the establishment of a sound social medical and unemployment insurance, guarantee of peasant’s employment, medical problems, help farmer to quickly find a suitable job, enhance the farmers’ professional skills, effective use of such a huge surplus labor force, so they really play a different individual skill level, the only way to be truly solved problem of lost territory farmer really make them adapt to city life, let a farmer after losing their land can still relatively stable life, so as to promote social harmony and stability, accelerate our country city to change a process development rate, for China ‘s future development and progress to lay a good foundation.


Key words: Lost territory farmer; farmers’ employment; city to change process; Tieling City


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