【摘 要】:本课题基于JSP以及SQL Sever2000数据库技术,实现在线电影网的设计。该系统可以实现前台的影片在线播放、影片下载、影片评论、找回密码等功能,也可实现后台的会员管理、影片管理、投票管理、新闻管理、公告管理等功能。该系统采用B/S结构模型,基于java Web开发该系统,给用户提供了足不出户便可在线看影片的方便。
【关键词】SQL Sever2000数据库 在线电影网
Movie Online Web
【Abstract】: This subject is based on JSP and SQL Sever2000 to achieve the design of movie online website. This system attain to the foreground system such as movie online playing, film’s downloading, film’s comments, retrieving the password etc. Moreover, it can realize some functions of background system such as member management, film management, voting management, news management, and announcement management and so on. It adopts the B/S structure model and based on a Java Web which offers convenience for the user.
【Keywords】:SQL Sever2000 database movie online
目 录