








This public transportation referral system goal is facilitates the resident to carry on the public transportation information to inquire, and must achieve the information not to lag, its main idea is achieves the system administration user-friendly, the data processing reliability, the maintainability, as well as procedure toughness. The system uses the JSP programming language, SQLSERVER2000 is a database. along with computer technology’s unceasing development, the computer applies in each big domain, and has brought the enormous convenience for people’s life, in the public transportation referral system is also so. The former paper public transportation guide or the numerous and diverse online edition public transportation guide, has limited the conveniences which in the different procedure the resident goes on a journey. The present paper introduced is a public transportation referral system, by facilitates the resident with the briefest way, inquires the most useful public transportation information. the present paper mainly involves the software, the database and the networking and so on. The covering aspect of knowledge is broad, but enhances the student to synthesize the utilization effectively to study the knowledge analysis to solve the question ability, strengthens the student the understanding with to grasp ability to the thing, trains the student to grasp the science the research technique, the correct design concept, the independent thinking, dares enterprising, the exploration innovation, will further study and the work for the present has laid the good foundation.

Key words: Public transportation referral system; Database; JSP






目  录

1 引言

2 系统分析

2.1 功能需求分析

2.2 本系统采用的关键技术

2.2.1 JSP技术

2.2.2 JavaBean技术

2.2.3 JDBC技术

2.3 可行性分析

2.4 系统运行环境

3 系统总体设计

3.1 总体功能

3.2 处理流程设计

3.2.1 系统操作流程

3.2.2 数据增加流程

3.2.3 数据修改流程

3.3.4 数据删除流程

3.4 数据流分析

4 系统详细设计

4.1 后台数据库设计

4.1.1 SQL SERVER 介绍

4.1.2 数据库表结构

4.3 系统模块设计

4.3.1 管理员登陆

4.3.2 公交信息查询

5 系统调试与测试

5.1 程序调试

5.2 程序的测试

5.2.1 测试的重要性及目的

5.2.2 测试的步骤

5.2.3 测试的主要内容

6 结论

6.1 系统评价

6.2 安全性问题




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