摘   要

服装表演是服装艺术的具体表现手段之一, 能使静态的服装瞬间变为有生命感染力的艺术作品。服装表演的成功,需要编导具备娴熟的表演专业技术,出色的组织调控能力,以及周密有序的组织计划能力。服装秀导作为一个负责整体策划及制作时装发布会的幕后功臣,是一场成功的服装表演中不可或缺的重要角色。本文主要通过秀导在整场秀中的地位以及秀导自身素质和在服装演出中的影响等来突出秀导在服装演出中的重要作用。



关键词:秀导  服装表演  重要作用




Fashion show is the manifestation of clothing art means one, can make the static clothing instantly into a life appeal work of art. The success of the fashion show, need to have the professional performance director skilled technology, excellent organization control ability, and careful orderly organizational and planning skills. The clothing show as a responsible for the overall planning and production fashion conference behind the hero, was a successful fashion show the important role indispensable. This paper mainly through the show in the show the position and show their own quality and the performances of influence in the clothing to highlight the show in the costume in an important role。

Keywords: show guide, fashion shows, an important role



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