摘 要




  关键词:陕西秦腔 艺术特征 文化传承





The different regions will be derived from the different characteristics of the humanities, but it is the local cultural life and social customs of the map.This opera originated in the Northwest Shaanxi Qin art is no exception.Its production originated from the spontaneous creation of local people, because of the unique characteristics of the Qin and the local people’s love, in the northwest area of the provinces have also been widely spread.In oral way as a means of teaching and the vast land for venues (the old stage), the deduction of high agitation, uninhibited atmosphere, generous dismal northwest sound. Qinqiang unique personality, is thousands of years in the northwest this unique geographical environment formed and developed, which embodies the northwest culture spirit and the northwest people’s personality and feelings.It has a distinctive artistic connotation and an independent aesthetic system, which occupies an important position in the history of Chinese traditional opera.In recent years, under the impact of information technology and popular music rapid development, Shaanxi opera as a local culture of Qin an important representative of the slightly show decay trend, brought about great impact on the development of Qinqiang opera drama, youth favorite is less and less.In order not to let the old song and dance art to decline, this article expounds the emergence and development of China’s Shaanxi Qinqiang (Xian Luantan), discusses the features of the opera music and arts.Enable more people to understand Qinqiang opera like, to the inheritance and development. Meanwhile, the paper put forward some personal suggestions, for the inheritance of Qinqiang opera to do a little help.


key words: Shaanxi Qinqiang;artistic characteristics;cultural inheritance.


目 录


摘 要


目 录















四、 秦腔的艺术功能与文化价值探究



五、 对于秦腔传承与发展的建议

结 语


致 谢


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