

关键词:反倾销税; 出口; 古诺均衡


After the finance crisis, the trade protection is becoming worse and anti-dumping has been used as one of the trade protection methods. this paper analyzed the anti-dumping tariff’s rationalism and effectiveness. This paper is based on the anti-dumping tariff’s economics analysis and assumed there are only two country in the world, the export implement dumping to the import country and finally will screw the import country’s produces out of the market. However, if the import country impose tariff, it will finally get to Cournot equilibrium and the exporter and the domestic produces will separate the whole market. After analyzed the import implementation of anti-dumping duties’ purpose, this paper analyzed the effectiveness of anti-dumping duties and its reasonable nature. And this paper argues: whether imposing anti-dumping duties will reach their goals is determined by other conditions such as economies of scale, trade diversion effect, investment substitution effect, exporting countries retaliate. Meanwhile, the anti-dumping duty is not necessarily always reasonable. Because Optimize resource allocation, welfare is maximized, normal price is not necessarily the objective, the development of the economies of scale and enterprise competitiveness cannot be regarded as dumping, anti-dumping and politics should not be linked to define.



第一章 绪论

(一) 反倾销税的理论基础

  1. 倾销
  2. 反倾销
  3. 反倾销税



第二章 反倾销税实施的经济效果分析




第三章 反倾销税实施的有效性分析



  1. 贸易保护




  1. 反倾销税的价格效应
  2. 反倾销税的国内生产保护效应
  3. 反倾销税的贸易转移效应
  4. 进口国的贸易条件恶化
  5. 直接投资的进口替代效应
  6. 消费效应
  7. 会引起出口国的贸易报复

第四章 政府实施反倾销税的合理性判断



第五章 结论



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