负债经营对于企业而言,既具有积极意义又具有消极意义。我国房地产行业是一个高度依赖于负债进行经营的行业。近两年来,随着国家调控力度的加大,很多房地产企业面临着严重的经营问题。在这样的背景下,强化房地产企业的负债经营研究无疑具有极强的现实意义和理论意义。为此,笔者通过文献研究法和实地走访调查法,对恒泰公司负债经营问题进行了研究,指出了其中存在的问题,例如:负债经营比例过大、负债结构不合理 、负债经营受国家政策的影响较大和营销效果难以取得预期目标等问题,并提出了有关建议,期望能为包括恒泰公司在内的房地产企业提供有益的借鉴。
The Research about debt management of Hengtai company
Debt management has the positive and negative significance to enterprise. China’s real estate industry is an industry highly depending on debt management. In recent years, along with strengthening adjusting control, many real estate enterprises are facing serious management problem. In this context, strengthening debt management research in real estate enterprise undoubtedly has a very strong practical significance and the theory significance. For this, the author had took Hengtai company as an example, studied the problems in debt management and put forward related proposal, hoping provide useful lessons for real estate enterprises including Hengtai company. Key words: real estate industry; debt management; current research; Hengtai company