摘 要






Corporate financial risk is due to various corporate finance activities, the impact of uncertain factors, allowing companies to deviate from the financial gains and expected to occur, resulting in financial loss or the risk of deteriorating financial position.Thesis case study approach to Kunming Fuli Rope Co., Ltd. for the study. First, the definition of financial risk from the enterprise and its characteristics, analyzes the causes of financial risk and evaluation. Then, in-depth analysis of the  Kunming Fuli Rope Co., Ltd face funding risk, investment risk, the recovery of funds risk, capital risk, such as different aspects of chain financial risks. Identify the major companies need to guard against financial risks, and made its financial risk control and prevention measures. Thesis that the enterprise business management authorities to give adequate attention to financial risks, establish risk awareness, the use of enterprise-scale financial risk for early warning methods, and establish enterprise crisis early warning mechanism. Fully understand the characteristics of its financial risk, risk analysis for a variety of reasons, the correct identification on the basis of financial risk, a professional approach and manage risk, to prevent and control risks, not blind to meet the purpose, must be established Scientific and reasonable risk management systems, attention to risk, not afraid of risk.


Keywords: Financial risk , Evaluation method , Risk control


目 录



一、 绪论

(一) 研究背景和研究意义

(二) 国内外研究现状

二、 企业财务风险相关理论


三、 昆明福利制绳有限责任公司财务风险分析


四、 昆明福利制绳有限责任公司财务风险的控制与防范对策

(一) 加强筹资风险的控制

(二) 完善应收账款的控制

(三) 加强现金流风险的管理

(四) 建立健全企业财务风险评价和预警体系



参考文献 14


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