
摘 要






Under the modern enterprise system, enterprise managers, investors, creditors and other stakeholders are standing on their respective position, concerned about the financial position, operating results and cash flow. Corporate financial analysis index system of business information analysis as an important resource, for the enterprise decision-making provide financial analysis data, make scientific decisions, to grasp the correct direction of enterprise development, achieve the goal of maximizing economic benefits, played a support and guarantee. With the advent of the information age, enterprise development vary from minute to minute, change rapidly, stakeholders of information put forward higher requirements. Therefore, enrich and perfect the adaptation of modern economic development needs of the corporate financial analysis index system shows the urgency and necessity of. This paper expounds the connotation of the allocation of financial resources and target, put forward to highlight key, concentration exchequer, overall three financial resources allocation path, and emphasizes the importance of handling input and output, uniform and dispersed, efficiency and fairness,” take the customer as the center” and” people-oriented” four kinds of adj relations. In this paper the sea building as an example, analyze its financial resource allocation problem and countermeasure.

Key words: financial resources allocation of financial resources; countermeasures;





目 录


摘 要


第1章 财务资源配置的内涵和目标

第2章 抚顺商海大厦财务资源配置问题及分析

2.1 抚顺商海大厦有限公司简介

2.2 抚顺商海大厦有限公司财务体制存在的问题

2.3 抚顺商海大厦有限公司目前财务资源配置中存在的不足

2.3.1 以业务指标为目标的绩效考核有待改进

2.3.2 财务资源分配机制有待完善

2.3.3 无形财务资源配置力度有待加强

第3章 财务资源的高效配置对企业核心竞争力的影响

3.1 财务资源和核心竞争力的关系

3.2 财务资源的高效配置对企业核心竞争力的提升

第4章 财务资源配置的有效途径及其过程中的辩证关系

4.1 财务资源配置的有效途径

4.1.1 突出重点

4.1.2 集中财源

4.1.3 统筹兼顾

4.2 处理好财务资源配置过程中的几个辩证关系

4.2.1 投入与产出的关系

4.2.2 统一与分散的关系

4.2.3 效率与公平的关系

4.2.4 “以客户为中心”与“以人为本”的关系

4.3 财务资源配置实施策略

4.3.1 完善考核评价体系

4.3.2 构建技术支持平台

4.3.3 发挥精细管理功效

4.3.4 丰富资源配置内容

4.3.5 提升人员从业能力

4.4 认识隐性财务资源发挥表外资产效益





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