摘  要







关键词:中小企业  财务管  问题及对策

Our Country Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise Financial Management Problems and Countermeasures

 ——Taking Jia Jia Yue Trading Company As an Example



As the socialist market economic development, small and medium-sized enterprises and gradually increase the number, economic gross and paid taxes accounted for more than half of the national economy, small and medium enterprises to increase profits and competitive ability, must fully understand the financial management is the center of enterprise management. But there are a considerable number of small and medium-sized enterprises neglect the core status of financial management, management idea is out-dated, enterprise management limited in the production management pattern, the enterprise financial management and risk control have not been brought into full play, to our country small and medium-sized enterprise credit and financing channels also brought many negative effects. The main reason is the lack of an effective financial management support. Based on this, this article in order to Jia Jia Yue Trading Company as an example, the article is divided into four parts, the specific contents are as follows:

The first part is introduction, mainly introduces the selected topic background, research purpose and research method, literature review and summary, research ideas and research innovation several part;

The second part analysis — Jia Jia Yue Trading Company problems, according to Jia Jia Yue Trading Company in-depth understanding and investigation and Jia Jia Yue Trading Company financial management situation, find out the good good Yue Trading Company financial management problems in the process;

The third part perfect Jia Jia Yue Trading Company financial management countermeasures and suggestions, mainly for Jia Jia Yue Trading Company financial management existence question proposed some countermeasures and suggestions, which determine the scientific, clear the goal of enterprise financial management, improve financial management builds the strategy layout, ideologically attached great importance to financial management for construction, system construction, to perfect the financial management system of enterprises and establish a modern enterprise management concepts, to promote the establishment of modern enterprise system, etc.;

The fourth part summarizes the conclusion, the article, and I hope these suggestions on Jia Jia Yue Trading Company financial management will certainly help improve, but also to China’s other financial management of small and medium enterprises to provide reference.

Key words: Small and medium-sized enterprises  financial management  problems and


目  录

摘  要


前  言

第1章 绪论

第1.1节 选题背景

第1.2节 研究目的与研究方法

第1.3节 文献回顾与综述

第1.4节 论文研究思路

第1.5节 论文创新点

第2章 实证分析——三佳佳跃贸易公司存在的问题

第2.1节 三佳佳跃贸易有限公司财务管理的现状

2.1.1 凭证附件不齐、原始单据不规范、报审制度不严格

2.1.2 没有建立完善的成本核算制度


2.1.4 三佳佳跃贸易公司相关财务报表状况

第2.2节  三佳佳跃贸易公司财务管理存在的问题





第3章 完善三佳佳跃贸易公司财务管理的对策和建议

第3.1节 确定科学、明确的企业财务管理目标

第3.2节 完善财务管理建设战略布局,从思想上高度重视财务管理建设

第3.3节 规范制度建设,完善企业的财务管理体系

第3.4节 树立现代企业管理观念,推动现代企业制度建立

结  论


致  谢


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