[摘 要]通过案例与数据分析相结合的方法,探讨网络广告联盟的发展现状;从商业模式,生态链、竞争格局三个不同的角度出发,分析阿里妈妈的平台价值、发展潜力、相关主体流量博弈,并将阿里妈妈与国内主流的网络广告联盟平台进行比较分析,总结阿里妈妈平台发展存在的瓶颈。本文认为,阿里妈妈应审时度势、与时俱进,加强公正监管,增强自身软实力,才能稳固其在网络广告联盟市场中的地位。
Analysis of Business Ecosystem of Alimama Platform
Abstract:Through case and data analysis combination, this paper discusses the current status of the development of online advertising alliance; from three different point of view: business model, ecological chain, the competitive landscape, analysis the value of Alimama platform, the development potential, the flow game of related subject, and comparative analysis Alimama and the mainstream online advertising alliance platform, summarized the development bottlenecks of Alimama platform. This paper argues that Alimama should assess the situation and the times, strengthen justice supervision and its soft power, in order to consolidate its position in the online advertising alliance market.
Key words:Alimama; Advertising alliance; Business model