




本系统采用MVC三层架构设计模式,逻辑层开发基于J2EE平台,采用struts框架开发,结合tomcat WEB服务器,表现层采用B/S结构,使用strutsTaglib+JSP进行页面呈现,使用Hibernate第三方框架对数据进行持久化并使用Mysql作为数据库组件。表现层采用B/S结构,实现了批量处理、报表打印、特定格式业务数据文件等方式来实现网上购物和网上管理的业务功能,同时也保证了系统运行的稳定性,达到了系统运行的性能要求。在对整体系统设计与实现的基础上,本文进一步分析了系统关键模块的业务流程,研究了系统业务建模的过程,在分析过程中引进了设计模式的方法,并根据系统的业务需求提炼实体和业务模型之间的关系,使之可以更好的实现系统的运营,并便于系统的二次开发。



关键词 J2EE,电子商城,Mysql数据库,B/S结构



With the rapid development of computer network technology and the accelerating pace of people’s lives, e-commerce technology has been gradually integrated into people’s daily life, the most popular online shopping as a form of e-commerce, is the public gradually accepted. Discussed in this article is a function of more complete self-management of online shopping can be e-mall system design and implementation.

This paper proposed shopping online management business processes and requirements and features, will be summarized from the main business processes, to prepare for the system design. As online shopping e-mall systems business flexibility, business concurrent capacity, a wide range of processing requirements, this paper these characteristics are presented for the corresponding solutions.

The system uses a three-tier MVC design pattern, logical development based on J2EE platform, using struts framework development, combined with tomcat WEB server, the presentation layer using B / S structure, using strutsTaglib + JSP for page rendering, use the Hibernate framework for third-party data be persistent and use Mysql as the database component. Presentation by B / S structure, to achieve a batch processing, report printing, business-specific format data files, etc. to achieve the management of online shopping and online business functions, but also ensure the system stability, to the performance of the system operation requirements. In the overall system design and implementation, based on further analysis of this key module of the system’s business processes, business modeling of the process of the system, introduced in the analysis method of design patterns and business needs based on refining the system entities and the relationship between the business model, so that we can better achieve the operation, and to facilitate the secondary development of the system.

Finally, this paper presents a test of the system, especially in the functional testing and boundary testing mode using black box testing method, by simulating a variety of abnormal data input, to find possible problems the system to ensure implementation of the system function accuracy, standardization, stability to achieve the desired results.

Keywords : j2EE  mysql  e-mall systems  MVC


目  录




第一章 概述

1.1 系统设计的背景

1.2 电子商城在国内的发展状况

1.3 网络开发技术的分析

1.4 课题任务

第二章 技术背景

2.1 JSP简介

2.2 javascript简介

2.3 MySQL简介

2.4 MyEclipse简介

2.5 Tomcat简介

2.6 Struts Hibernate 简介

第三章 需求分析

3.1 技术可行性分析

3.2 经济可行性分析

3.3 操作可行性

3.4 法律可行性

3.5 系统功能需求

3.6 系统性能需求

3.6.1 精度

3.6.2 时间特性要求

3.6.3 灵活性

3.7 系统运行要求

第四章 系统设计

4.1 总体设计

4.1.1 项目规划

4.1.2 系统功能结构图

4.2 系统结构设计

4.2.1 系统的结构框架图

4.2.2 系统体系结构设计

4.3 数据库设计

4.3.1 数据库的概念设计

4.3.2 数据库表单设计

第五章 详细设计

5.1 系统架构设计

5.2 功能模块详细设计

第六章 系统测试

6.1 测试目的

6.2 测试平台简介

6.3 测试方法

第七章 结束语

7.1 论文工作总结

7.2 问题和展望




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