[论文摘要]党的“十七大”报告特别明确地提出: “探索建立农村养老保险制度。”这就告诉我们, 在广大农民群众中建立社会养老保险制度, 已经成为我国农村改革和发展所面临的重大任务。按照全面建设小康社会目标的新要求, 完善社会主义市场经济体制, 加快以改善民生为重点的社会建设, 形成城乡经济社会发展一体化的新格局, 都离不开建立覆盖城乡居民的社会保障体系。目前, 城市居民社会保障体系已经基本建立, 农村居民社会保障体系正在建设之中, 而农民社会养老保险制度才刚刚起步。可见, 加快建立农村社会养老保险制度, 对于我国改革发展全局和小康社会建设, 乃至应对国际金融危机和扩大国内消费需求, 都具有非常重要的意义。由于近年来我国城镇化速度的加快,大量农民失去了原有的土地,导致农民的养老保险问题日益突出。本文基于对嘉兴市开展失地农民养老保险的调查,了解其现状,通过对其存在问题的原因分析,最终提出完善农村社会失地农民养老保障体系的对策思路。
[关键词] 失地农民养老保险 现状 问题
[Abstract]” the party” the report clearly pointed out: ” to explore the establishment of rural endowment insurance system.” This tells us, in the broad masses of peasants in the establishment of social endowment insurance system, has become China’s rural reform and development face a major task. According to the goal of building a well-off society of the new requirements, perfect system of socialist market economy, accelerate with the focus on improving people’s livelihood and social construction, the formation of urban and rural economic and social development integration of the new pattern, is inseparable from the establishment of the social security system covering both urban and rural residents. At present, the city residents’ social security system has been basically established, the rural residents’ social security system is under construction, and the rural social pension insurance system has just started. Visible, to speed up the establishment of rural social endowment insurance system for China’s reform, development and construction of comparatively well-off society, and coping with the international financial crisis and expanding domestic consumption demand, has very important significance. In China in recent years due to the faster pace of urbanization, a large number of farmers lost land, cause farmer old-age insurance question is outstanding day by day. This article is based on the Jiaxing city to carry out the endowment insurance of lost territory farmer investigation, understand the situation, through the analysis of the problems, put forward finally to perfect rural social pension security for the farmers losing land system and the strategy.
[Key words] endowment insurance of lost territory farmer problems
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