

摘 要







Nineteen ninties, Jiangmen city begins to start training education. To the new century, the rapid progress of economic promote the rapid development of Jiangmen training. Realize the emergence of various types of training institutions, although the rapid development, but the foundation is weak compared to some big city, training institutions in Jiangmen, although the amount is very much, but generally small scale. The competent labor employment and social security of the relevant government organs to develop a number of preferential measures to attract foreign investment, industry, simplifies the other training institutions and social organizations participate in the occupation training examination and approval system, in order to maximize the use of social resources. In support of training institutions to develop at the same time, the district also has formulated strict examination and approval system, to ensure the training mechanism of the competent. On the occupation capability system construction of state and Jiangmen city are promulgated and implemented some policies and guidance, in place of some laws are obtained the very good implementation.

However, at present the training resources are scarce, there is a considerable amount of labor never accepted the effective, formal training. The region has a large number of training institutions, but many training institutions with lower levels. Compared to previous years, the institution of higher learning in the training institutions and the proportion of the growing, but its development has a problem, although the speed but not high quality, training institutions, technical level is low, cannot keep up with the times the pace of development. Training in professional settings often neglect the analysis of market demand. At the same time, the training funds is relatively insufficient, training means a single, is the current district occupation capability system construction the main problems. This paper introduced the United States, in Germany, Japan and other countries on training system after that, Jianghai in occupation ability system can learn from developed countries in the development of occupation education the successful experience on. Combined with the actual proposed Jianghai district after the occupation should innovation capability system construction content, clear occupation capability system construction goal; correct understanding of government ‘s functions in the construction of the ability system of occupation; occupation ability system to improve the understanding of the importance of building; deep of occupation training organization reform and firm is caught fulfil, countermeasures and suggestions.

Key words: district government; occupation ability construction system;


目 录

摘 要


第一章 绪论 1

1.1 选题背景与研究意义 1

1.1.1 选题背景 1

1.1.2 研究意义


1.2.1 国内研究现状

1.2.2 国外研究现状

1.3 研究内容与研究方法

1.3.1 研究内容

1.3.2 研究方法

第二章 理论综述

2.1 相关概念界定

2.1.1 职业能力

2.1.2 职业能力体系


2.3 职业能力体系建设的相关法律法规体系

2.3.1 国家法律法规体系

2.3.2 江门市相关法律法规汇总

第三章 江门市江海区政府推进职业能力体系建设的现状和问题分析

3.1 江门市江海区职业能力体系建设的现状

3.1.1 职业培训机构发展情况

3.1.2 政府推进职业能力体系建设的手段

3.1.3 政策法律法规的落实情况

3.2 江海区政府推进职业能力体系建设中存在的问题

3.2.1 劳动力覆盖面窄

3.2.2 培训机构数量和规模小

3.2.3 培训质量得不到保障

3.2.4 手段单一

3.2.5 资金短缺

3.3 问题的成因分析

3.3.1 政府职责定位不明确

3.3.2 资金筹措渠道窄

3.3.3 意识有待提高

第四章 发达国家政府推进职业能力建设的经验借鉴





第五章 江海区政府推进职业能力体系建设的对策建议

5.1 职业能力体系建设的宏观规划



5.2 正确认识政府在职业能力体系建设中的职能

5.3 提高对职业能力体系建设重要性的认识

5.4 深化职业培训机构改革

5.5 狠抓落实

结 论



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