
摘    要



关键词:“郭美美”事件  公信力危机  救济对策  公信力建设




On the “Guomeimei” event to talk about credibility crisis relief measures


As the saying goes: “If a man can not stand, the industry thrives no letter, no letter will be bad policy.” With a long history of well-known in China, has always been very much concerned about the issue of integrity, both personal integrity, business integrity, or the Government’s integrity in the community credit system have played an important role. However, with the “Mei-US” incident caused public charities, social enterprises, questioned the credibility of the government, social credibility crisis worse. In view of this, this paper summarized the status of the credibility crisis, lack of credibility of the dangers of the crisis and its historical roots, and then in turn puts forward the business, government, charitable organizations credibility crisis relief measures; concludes with the construction of long-term mechanism and its credibility the requirements of administrative culture and inspiration, I hope the Government, businesses and charitable organizations, public work together to promote the establishment of social credit system and improvement, and constantly improve the credibility of social impact, is a realistic and practical significance of the study.


Keywords:Guomeimei” eventCredibility crisisRelief MeasuresCredibility of the building




目    录

摘    要


第一章  公信力危机简述

1.1  公信力危机的现状

1.2  公信力缺失的危害

1.2.1 影响政府形象,影响组织的发展

1.2.2 影响社会诚信体系的建设


1.3  公信力危机的社会历史根源

第二章  企业公信力危机的救济对策

2.1  加强诚信建设

2.2  提高公信力管理意识,履行企业职责

2.3  坚守企业与岗位的伦理

2.4  完善行业协会与工商的监管作用

2.5  提高企业经营者的素质

第三章  政府公信力危机的救济对策

3.1 坚持诚信执政

3.2 转变行政理念,坚持“以人为本”

3.3 完善相关法律法规,加强政府法治建设

3.4 加大信息公开力度,与公众形成良好互通

3.5  构建有效的监督体系

3.5.1 完善权力机构的监督

3.5.2 完善媒体与公众的社会监督


第四章  慈善公益组织公信力危机的救济对策。

4.1  建立透明的信息公开制度

4.1.1 政府建立相关的信息公开法规

4.1.2 慈善公益组织注重信息的系统管理

4.1.3 信息公开要实事求是

4.2  完善内部管理制度

4.2.1 人才的选拔机制

4.2.2 人才的考核机制

4.2.3 科学的处罚机制

4.2.4 坚持廉洁,杜绝腐败

4.3  要接受社会的监督

4.4  加强慈善宣传工作

4.5  加强慈善组织自身建设,引入第三方评估

4.6  不断提高慈善工作者的素质

第五章  公信力建设启示

5.1  公信力建设的长效机制

5.2  公信力建设的长效机制对行政文化建设的要求与启示

5.2.1 注重信任等行政道德建议

5.2.2 注重行政“人性化”建设

5.2.3 提高办事效率


致    谢


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