








Urban planning and design is a comprehensive arrangement about land resources, the spatial distribution of the human environment and socio-economic. Role in terms of urban planning and design, has a very important role, it is not only related to the quality of people’s survival space, but also related to social and economic sustainable development. Therefore, the management of urban planning and design is particularly important to our current situation, however, the management of urban planning and design there are many problems, especially in urban planning and design changes, caused by more serious problems . In the process of urban construction, the development zone as well an important means to drive local economic development, many cities are gradually on the types of development zones to increase efforts to promote, which makes the Development Zone, urban planning and design to implementation problems in the process of increasingly more by the attention.

With the help of a literature study, theoretical analysis and summarize other methods to Development Zone, urban planning and design changes to the main object of study, change the causes and control measures. First, urban planning and design theory based on the theory of design changes sort out and described; then were analyzed on the principles of urban planning and design, the general process launched on this basis, caused by the reason of the Development Zone, urban planning and design change pointed out that the Development Zone of the Town Planning to conduct a detailed analysis, the analysis focuses on the disconnect from the early planning and design with the actual situation, the design implementation process conditions change, the rigid requirements of social development, and stakeholder interest demands in-depth discussions; design changes with a certain inevitability and normative, to achieve the change of control of urban planning and design need to be established, including decision-making control, the implementation of the entire control system including the control and evaluation of feedback; should also start from the normative government behavior, and resolve as the Government blind pursuit of economic performance and the planning and design to change the motive; through the constraints of the construction unit and construction unit at the same time, encourage legitimate competition, and strengthen public participation, a sound change decision-making and other aspects to balance the interests of stakeholders, and thus to curb the development zone Urban Planning and Design produce meaningless changes.

By the study, the entire process for the coordination at this stage Development of urban planning, urban and rural spatial distribution, improve the living environment, and promote China’s economic and social comprehensive, coordinated and sustainable development, has important practical significance; at the same time strengthen the process of urbanization in China planning and design level and implementation level to raise the overall level of control of design changes to a certain reference, especially for the many urban development zones in urban planning and design change control, provide a new way of thinking.


KEY WORDS: Urban planning; design changes; control



目 录



1  绪论

1.1  选题背景和意义

1.1.1  选题背景

1.1.2  选题意义

1.2  国内外研究综述

1.2.1  国外城市规划设计研究综述

1.2.2  国内城市规划设计研究综述

1.3  研究主要内容和研究方法

1.3.1 研究主要内容

1.3.2 研究方法

1.4  技术路线

2  基础理论

2.1 城市规划设计的定义及特点

2.1.1 城市规划设计的定义

2.1.2 城市规划设计的特点

2.2 城市规划设计变更的基础理论

2.2.1 城市规划设计变更的定义

2.2.2 城市规划设计变更产生的影响

2.3 开发区城市规划设计的理论依据

2.3.1 工业区位论

2.3.2 发展极理论

2.3.3 规模经济理论

3 开发区城市规划设计变更产生的原因分析

3.1 开发区城市规划设计的原则

3.2 城市规划设计变更的一般流程

3.3 开发区城市规划设计变更产生的原因

3.3.1 前期规划设计脱离开发区实际引发变更

3.3.2 实施过程的条件变化导致设计变更产生

3.3.3 社会发展产生对规划设计的刚性变更

3.3.4 部分利益相关者的诉求引起规划设计变更

4 开发区城市规划设计变更的控制策略

4.1 变更的必然性与规范性解析

4.2 控制开发区规划设计变更的策略构建

4.2.1 由政府主导建立变更控制体系

4.2.2 规范政府行为,化解变更动因

4.2.3 平衡开发区建设项目各主体的利益





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