


摘  要






Assuming the management of state affairs and social public affairs official, the problems of performance appraisal has been the government departments at all levels and the vast number of social groups and the media’s focus. In this paper, based on the current situation of performance assessment of civil servants, detailed research, analysis of the civil servants performance appraisal system deficiencies and assessment issues, such as: lack of quantitative indicators of performance evaluation content, evaluation results, to ensure accurate performance evaluation standards, evaluation process becomes a mere formality seriously, festival performance appraisal results, less, resulting in the civil service examination incentive action cannot get due play, performance appraisal result application is as fair as well as the relevant laws and regulations and supervision mechanism is not sound and so on. In the light of these problems, puts forward some corresponding countermeasures, such as : the establishment of the civil service of qualitative and quantitative performance evaluation index system, the performance evaluation content to incorporate, quantification; innovation performance evaluation methods, improve the incentive mechanism as well as; according to different requirements of comprehensive performance appraisal content, execute classification performance appraisal system; perfect legislation construction, active exploration has the opening performance appraisal system. The performance appraisal of civil servants, determines within the civil service personnel and public servants internal promotion and punishment, for the fair, fair use system plays an important role in the construction of. Therefore, grasping the performance appraisal of civil servants, civil servants performance appraisal system, which is to build a strong party spirit, high quality, hard work style, reasonable structure, high efficiency, clean civil service, improve the level of service to the people, building a harmonious socialist society has very important practical significance.

Key words:Civil servant ;performance appraisal; perfection; system;






1.2节公务员考核制度中的绩效考核 3

2章公务员绩效考核制度现状 4

2.1节绩效考核的基本内容和现状分析 4


第3章我国公务员绩效考核制度存在的问题 7

第3.1节绩效考核内容缺乏量化指标,难以保证考核结果准确 7

第3.2绩效考核的标准一样,考核过程流于形式严重 7

第3.3节绩效考核结果等次偏少,致使公务员考核的激励作用得不到应有的发挥 8

第3.4节绩效考核法律法规体系不够健全 9

第3.5节绩效考核结果的应用不尽公平 9

第3.6节绩效考核的监督机制不健全 10

第4章完善我国公务员绩效考核制度的对策 11

第4.1节建立公务员定量与定性相结合的绩效考核指标体系,使绩效考核内容尽量具体化、数量化 11

第4.2节依据不同职位要求全面确定绩效考核内容,实行分类绩效考核制度 11

第4.3节完善国家立法建设,积极探索具有开放性的绩效考核制度 12

第4.4节创新绩效考核方法,完善激励机制 13

第4.5节强化绩效考核结果的使用 14

第4.6节对国家公务员绩效考核全过程进行有效监督 15

  论   16

参考文献   17



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