[摘 要]随着网络与经济的快速发展,电子商务在我国得到了蓬勃的发展,随着网购人数的不断增多,团购网日益引起人们的关注,引起人们对OTO新型的电子商务模式的深入研究。鉴于此,本文首先简述了OTO模式的内涵及特点,然后简述OTO模式的传播学原理,接着指出OTO模式现状及发展趋势,并通过国内OTO电子商务案例对OTO模式进行分析,最后指出OTO作为一种新商业模式在中小企业产品推广中的作用,从而希望第三产业抓住机遇,探寻适合企业发展的OTO模式,不断提升企业的竞争力,是具有现实意义的研究课题。
[Abstract] With the rapid development of network economy, e-commerce in China has been vigorous development, with the growing number of online shopping, buy network is increasingly a cause for concern, cause the in-depth study of the OTO’s new e-commerce model. In view of this, the paper first outlines the meaning and characteristics of the OTO model and then briefly OTO mode of communication theory, and then pointed out that the status quo and development trend of the OTO mode, and the OTO mode to analyze domestic OTO e-commerce case, concluded that the OTO as a new business model in the product promotion and brand building, in the hope that the tertiary industry to seize the opportunity to explore the the OTO mode suitable for the development of enterprises and improve the competitiveness of enterprises, is of practical significance to the research topic.
[Keywords] OTO mode Brand;Development;Product promotion
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