

摘  要




关键词:电子商务 中国农业领域 应用 发展


The analysis of electronic commerce in the agricultural application and development







At present, with the adjustment of agricultural structure and the development of efficient ecological agriculture, our country farmer to information service needs to produce new change, some of the purchase and sale of large, specialized farmer cooperatives, grow large family, leading agricultural enterprises, agricultural production and operation of the main special needs through e-commerce means timely access to the market, reduce the cost of marketing, improve production and management efficiency. Whether at home or abroad, the success of e-commerce examples are mostly concentrated in the image, the products standardization degree relatively high field, or in the field of digital products. But for agriculture, due to the characteristics of agricultural production and agricultural standardization degree is low for many reasons, the development of agricultural e-commerce is difficult, the real success of the agricultural electronic commerce company very rare. How to break through the bottleneck of electronic commerce of agriculture, improve the international competitiveness of China’s agriculture, is worthy of our in-depth study on a major issue.


KEY WORDSelectronic commerce application development of Chinese agriculture





目  录




1 农业领域电子商务的发展的基本概况

1.1 电子商务的含义

1.2 我国农产品电子商务发展现状

2 电子商务在农业领域的应用必要性和意义

2.1 农业领域发展电子商务的必要性

2.1.1 落后粗放的农业经济实现跨越式发展的需要

2.1.2 传统农业突破生产时空限制的需要


2.2 农业领域内发展电子商务的重大意义

2.2.1 电子商务加速了农业信息的流通

2.2.2 电子商务拓宽了农产品的销售渠道

2.2.3 电子商务加快了农业产业化的进程

3 电子商务在农业领域发展的未来趋势


3.2 电子商务在未来发展趋势中,要重点加强垂直化农业网站的建设…………..


4 结束语

致  谢



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